Trussardo CalepioAge: 17411741

Trussardo Calepio
Birth August 2, 1741 48 46

Birth of a brotherGaleazzo Calepio
November 30, 1742 (Age 15 months)

Death of a paternal grandfatherOrazio Calepio
between 1689 and 1765

Death of a paternal grandmotherMaria Stampa
between 1698 and 1770

Death of a maternal grandfatherAlessandro Colleoni
between 1695 and 1790

Death of a fatherPietro Calepio
February 26, 1762 (Age 20 years)

Death of a motherMaria “Caterina” Colleoni
between 1742 and 1810 (Age 4 months)

Death between 1741 and 1835