Pietro CalepioAge: 69 years1693–1762
- Name
- Pietro Calepio
Birth | 1693 22 48 |
Birth of a brother | Pompilio Calepio between 1690 and 1720 |
Birth of a brother | Giulio Calepio between 1690 and 1720 |
Birth of a sister | “Maddalena Anna” Maria Giuseppa Calepio 1698 (Age 5 years) |
Marriage | Maria “Caterina” Colleoni — View this family 1730 (Age 37 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Trussardo Calepio August 2, 1741 (Age 48 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Galeazzo Calepio November 30, 1742 (Age 49 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Maddalena Brembati between August 2, 1679 and 1745 |
Marriage of a child | Galeazzo Calepio — Teresa Rasini — View this family 1758 (Age 65 years) |
Death of a father | Orazio Calepio between 1689 and 1765 |
Death of a wife | Maria “Caterina” Colleoni between 1742 and 1810 (Age 49 years) |
Death of a brother | Pompilio Calepio between 1690 and 1815 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Orazio Calepio between 1690 and 1735 |
Death of a sister | “Maddalena Anna” Maria Giuseppa Calepio between 1698 and 1795 (Age 5 years) |
Death of a mother | Maria Stampa between 1698 and 1770 (Age 5 years) |
Death of a son | Trussardo Calepio between 1741 and 1835 (Age 48 years) |
Death of a brother | Giulio Calepio between 1758 and 1815 (Age 65 years) |
Death of a son | Galeazzo Calepio between 1762 and 1835 (Age 69 years) |
Occupation | Letterato yes |
Death | February 26, 1762 (Age 69 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Orazio Calepio Birth: 1671 66 30 Death: between 1689 and 1765 |
mother |
Maria Stampa Birth: between 1645 and 1675 Death: between 1698 and 1770 |
Marriage: between 1685 and 1689 — |
36 years brother |
Pompilio Calepio Birth: between 1690 and 1720 19 45 Death: between 1690 and 1815 |
31 years brother |
Giulio Calepio Birth: between 1690 and 1720 19 45 Death: between 1758 and 1815 |
4 years himself |
Pietro Calepio Birth: 1693 22 48 — (o nel 1689?) Death: February 26, 1762 |
6 years younger sister |
“Maddalena Anna” Maria Giuseppa Calepio Birth: 1698 27 53 Death: between 1698 and 1795 |
Family with Maria “Caterina” Colleoni |
himself |
Pietro Calepio Birth: 1693 22 48 — (o nel 1689?) Death: February 26, 1762 |
wife |
Maria “Caterina” Colleoni Birth: between 1695 and 1715 80 Death: between 1742 and 1810 |
Marriage: 1730 — |
12 years son |
Trussardo Calepio Birth: August 2, 1741 48 46 Death: between 1741 and 1835 |
16 months son |
Galeazzo Calepio Birth: November 30, 1742 49 47 Death: between 1762 and 1835 |
Note | Letterato, rinnovò l'Accademia degli Eccitati. Fu in rapporti con l'A ccademia della Crusca. Scrisse opere varie tra le quali due tragedie. |