Carlo Francesco CaliniAge: 73 years1644–1717
- Name
- Carlo Francesco Calini
Birth | 1644 48 44 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Vincenzo Calini between 1596 and 1665 |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Teodora Martinengo della Motella between 1625 and 1665 |
Birth of a son #1 | Orazio Calini 1669 (Age 25 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Cesare Calini 1670 (Age 26 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Camillo Calini 1674 (Age 30 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Giovanni Battista Martinengo da Barco between 1600 and 1685 |
Death of a father | Orazio Calini between 1644 and 1690 |
Death of a mother | Margherita Martinengo da Barco between 1644 and 1705 |
Death of a half-sister | Lelia Martinengo Palatino between 1648 and 1735 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a wife | Elena Provaglio between 1674 and 1750 (Age 30 years) |
Death of a son | Orazio Calini between 1713 and 1765 (Age 69 years) |
Death of a son | Camillo Calini between 1690 and 1770 (Age 46 years) |
Death of a half-brother | “Teofilo” III Martinengo Palatino between 1700 and 1710 (Age 56 years) |
Occupation | Letterato yes |
Death | between 1717 and 1740 (Age 73 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Orazio Calini Birth: 1596 28 27 Death: between 1644 and 1690 |
mother |
Margherita Martinengo da Barco Birth: between 1600 and 1610 Death: between 1644 and 1705 |
Marriage: between 1635 and 1644 — |
10 years himself |
Carlo Francesco Calini Birth: 1644 48 44 — (o 1646?) Death: between 1717 and 1740 |
Mother’s family with “Curzio” II Martinengo Palatino |
step-father |
“Curzio” II Martinengo Palatino Birth: 1612 26 52 Death: between 1635 and 1651 |
mother |
Margherita Martinengo da Barco Birth: between 1600 and 1610 Death: between 1644 and 1705 |
Marriage: 1628 — |
13 years half-sister |
Lelia Martinengo Palatino Birth: between 1628 and 1640 16 28 Death: between 1648 and 1735 |
6 years half-brother |
“Teofilo” III Martinengo Palatino Birth: 1633 21 33 Death: between 1700 and 1710 |
Family with Elena Provaglio |
himself |
Carlo Francesco Calini Birth: 1644 48 44 — (o 1646?) Death: between 1717 and 1740 |
wife |
Elena Provaglio Birth: between 1625 and 1655 Death: between 1674 and 1750 |
son |
Orazio Calini Birth: 1669 25 44 Death: between 1713 and 1765 |
2 years son |
Cesare Calini Birth: 1670 26 45 Death: 1749 |
5 years son |
Camillo Calini Birth: 1674 30 49 Death: between 1690 and 1770 |
son |
Francesco Calini Death: |
son |
Ferdinando Calini Death: |
son |
Alessandro Calini Death: |
Note | Testamento nel 1717. |