Alessandra TestaAge: 58 years15751633

Alessandra Testa
Birth before 1575

MarriageGiovanni Maria LupiView this family
February 9, 1592 (Age 17 years)

Birth of a son
Alessandro Lupi
November 10, 1593 (Age 18 years)
Birth of a daughter
Anna Lupi
October 28, 1594 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a son
Francesco Lupi
November 13, 1596 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a daughter
Ottavia Grata Lupi
January 4, 1603 (Age 28 years)
Birth of a daughter
Grata “Laura” Lupi
August 14, 1608 (Age 33 years)
Birth of a daughter
“Ottavia” Dorotea Lupi
1610 (Age 35 years)
Marriage of a childAlessandro LupiGiacoma RivolaView this family
between 1610 and 1644 (Age 35 years)

Death of a husbandGiovanni Maria Lupi
1613 (Age 38 years)

Marriage of a childGaleazzo Grumelli“Ottavia” Dorotea LupiView this family
June 8, 1631 (Age 56 years)
Death after 1633 (Age 58 years)

Family with Giovanni Maria Lupi - View this family
Marriage: February 9, 1592
21 months
Alessandro Lupi
Birth: November 10, 1593 31 18Bergamo, Pignolo, S. Alessandro della Croce
Death: June 27, 1644Bergamo, Pignolo, S. Alessandro della Croce
1 year
2 years
6 years
6 years
2 years
Giovanni Maria Lupi + Anna Pesenti - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: June 2, 1588Bergamo, parrocchia di S. Michele dell'Arco, chiesa di S. Lorenzo
20 months
Lucia Lupi
Birth: January 18, 1590 27 20Bergamo, Parrocchia di S. Michele dell'Arco
Death: between 1590 and 1685
Giovanni Maria Lupi + Alessandra Sozzi - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: September 14, 1590Bergamo, Pignolo, S. Alessandro della Croce


Fortunato Lupi, abitante a Bergamo, fu bandito e gli furono confiscat i beni dalla Camera fiscale che li vendette ad Ercole Beretta che li a cquistò a nome di Alessandra vedova di Giovanni Maria Lupi il 29 genn aio 1633.