Ælfgifu ??Età: 43 anni900943

Ælfgifu ??
Nascita tra il 900 e il 925 45

MatrimonioEdmund of WessexView this family
circa 940 (Età 40 anni)

Nascita di un figlio
n° 1
Edgar «il Pacifico» of Wessex
circa 943 (alla data di morte)

Morte di un maritoEdmund of Wessex
26 maggio 946 (Età 46 anni)
Matrimonio di un figlioEdgar «il Pacifico» of WessexÆlfthryth of DevonView this family
965 (Età 65 anni)

Morte di un figlioEdgar «il Pacifico» of Wessex
8 luglio 975 (Età 75 anni)
Morte della madreWynflæd ??
tra il 900 e il 1005

Morte tra il 943 e il 1020 (Età 43 anni)
Famiglia con genitori - View this family
Famiglia con Edmund of Wessex - View this family
Matrimonio: circa 940
4 anni


http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLAND,%20AngloSaxon%20&%20Danish%20K ings.htm ÆLFGIFU, daughter of --- & his wife Wynflæd --- (-Shaftesb ury Abbey after 943). "Alfgifu concubine regis" subscribed a 943 chart er of King Edmund [1]. This reference suggests that Ælfgifu was not m arried to King Edmund, corroborated by another charter of the same yea r in which his [second] wife is differentiated by the epithet "regina " and the dating of which (if accurate) suggests that the king's relat ionship with both "wives" was simultaneous. If this is correct, Ælfgi fu's date of death cannot necessarily be assumed to be [944/46]. She w as popularly reputed a saint after her death as St Elgiva [2]. Ælfgif u was probably the daughter of Wynflæd as "Wynflæd aua mea" is name d in King Edgar's grant of confirmations to Shaftesbury Abbey dated 96 6 [3]. [1] S 516. [2] Weir (2002), p. 17. [3] S 776.