Ælfthryth of DevonEtà: 54 anni945999

Ælfthryth of Devon
Nascita circa 945 65
MatrimonioEdgar «il Pacifico» of WessexView this family
965 (Età 20 anni)

Nascita di un figlio
n° 1
«Æthelred» II «the UnreadyUnrædRedeles» of England
circa 966 (Età 21 anni)

Morte del padreOrdgar of Devon
971 (Età 26 anni)

Regina, d'Inghilterra
dal 973 (Età 28 anni)

Morte di un maritoEdgar «il Pacifico» of Wessex
8 luglio 975 (Età 30 anni)
Matrimonio di un figlio«Æthelred» II «the UnreadyUnrædRedeles» of EnglandÆlfgiva ??View this family
tra il 980 e il 985 (Età 35 anni)

Morte tra il 999 e il 1002 (Età 54 anni)
Famiglia con genitori - View this family
Famiglia con Edgar «il Pacifico» of Wessex - View this family
Matrimonio: 965
2 anni


http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLAND,%20AngloSaxon%20nobility.ht m ÆLFTHRYTH (Lydford Castle, Devon ([945]- Wherwell Abbey, Hampshir e [999/1002], bur Wherwell Abbey). The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records t he marriage in 965 of King Edgar and Ælfthryth, stating that she wa s the daughter of ealdorman Ordgar [1]. Simeon of Durham records the m arriage of King Eadgar and "the daughter of Ordgar duke of Devonshir e after the death of her husband Elfwold… duke of the East Angles" i n 964 [2]. Roger of Hoveden names her, her father and her first husban d, when recording her second marriage [3]. Geoffrey Gaimar records a l engthy account of King Edgar having sent "Edelwoth" to woo "Estrueth l a fille Orgar" on his behalf, and Æthelwold having married her withou t the king´s knowledge [4]. King Edgar granted land in Buckinghamshir e to "Ælfgifu que mihi afinitate mundialis cruoris coniuncta" in 96 6 [5]. "Ælfthryth regina" subscribed charters of King Edgar dated bet ween 964 and 974 [6]. William of Malmesbury recounts that King Edgar k illed Ælfthryth's first husband to enable him to marry her [7]. She w as crowned with her husband in 973, apparently the first recorded inst ance of the coronation of a queen in England. It was alleged that sh e was involved in the plot to kill her stepson so her own son could su cceed as king [8]. "Ælfthryth regina" subscribed charters of King Æt helred II between 979 and 983 [9], and "Ælfthryth regis mater" betwee n 981 and 999 [10]. She became a nun at Wherwell Abbey, Hampshire in [ 985]. Her son King Æthelred II granted privileges to Wherwell Abbey i n 1002 for the benefit of her soul [11]. m firstly [as his second wife ,] ÆTHELWOLD Ealdorman of the East Angles, son of --- (-before 964) . The ''Vita Oswaldi'' names Æthelwald as husband of Ælfthryth [12] . m secondly ([965]) as his second wife, EDGAR "the Peaceable" King o f England [1] Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, D, 965. [2] Simeon of Durham, p . 506. [3] Roger of Hoveden I, p. 62. [4] Wright, T. (ed.) (1850) '' The Anglo-Norman Metrical Chronicle of Geoffrey Gaimar'' (London), lin es 3621-3911, pp. 123-33. [5] S 703. [6] S 725, S 746, S 766, S 77 9 and S 789. [7] Sharpe, Rev. J. (trans.), revised Stephenson, Rev. J . (1854) William of Malmesbury, ''The Kings before the Norman Conquest '' (Seeleys, London, reprint Llanerch, 1989) II, 157, p. 140. [8] Mal mesbury II, 162, p. 143. [9] S 835, S 840 and S 843. [10] S 838, S 8 45, S 877, S 878, S 891 and S 896. [11] S 904. [12] Raine, J. (ed. ) (1879) ''Vita Oswaldi archiepiscopi Eboracensis'' (London), pp. 399- 475, iii.14, cited in PASE "Ælfthryth 8".