Maria Luigia ArchintoAge: 1643–1643
- Name
- Maria Luigia Archinto
Birth | November 26, 1643 33 24 |
Birth of a brother | Filippo Archinto March 14, 1644 (Age 3 months) |
Birth of a brother | Carlo Lodovico Archinto March 15, 1645 (Age 15 months) |
Birth of a brother | Giulio Archinto August 10, 1646 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a brother | Cristoforo Archinto May 21, 1648 (Age 4 years) |
Birth of a brother | Bartolomeo Archinto August 9, 1649 (Age 5 years) |
Birth of a brother | Giuseppe Archinto April 17, 1651 (Age 7 years) |
Birth of a brother | Ludovico Archinto February 25, 1653 (Age 9 years) |
Death of a brother | Giulio Archinto August 15, 1654 (Age 10 years) |
Death of a brother | Bartolomeo Archinto August 17, 1654 (Age 10 years) |
Birth of a sister | Giulia Teresa Archinto December 20, 1654 (Age 11 years) |
Birth of a sister | Lucrezia Archinto August 9, 1656 (Age 12 years) |
Death of a brother | Carlo Lodovico Archinto September 25, 1660 (Age 16 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Anna Panigarola 1662 (Age 18 years) |
Death of a mother | Caterina Arese November 13, 1664 (Age 20 years) |
Death of a father | Carlo Archinto December 10, 1665 (Age 22 years) |
Death of a sister | Margherita Archinto December 8, 1682 (Age 39 years) |
Death of a brother | Ludovico Archinto September 7, 1693 (Age 49 years) |
Death of a sister | Anna Archinto between 1712 and 1730 (Age 68 years) |
Death of a brother | Giuseppe Archinto April 9, 1712 (Age 68 years) |
Death of a brother | Filippo Archinto May 20, 1712 (Age 68 years) |
Death of a sister | Lucrezia Archinto April 22, 1713 (Age 69 years) |
Death | between 1643 and 1740 |
Title | Donna yes |
Family with parents |
father |
Carlo Archinto Birth: April 2, 1610 29 18 — Milano, S. Raffaele Death: December 10, 1665 — Milano, S. Bartolomeo |
mother |
Caterina Arese Birth: July 25, 1619 79 — Milano, S. Maria alla Porta Death: November 13, 1664 — Milanoivi, S. Bartolomeo |
Marriage: February 22, 1637 — Miano, S. Maria alla Porta |
11 months elder sister |
Anna Archinto Birth: January 15, 1638 27 18 — Milano, S. Raffaele Death: between 1712 and 1730 |
1 year elder sister |
Margherita Archinto Birth: January 18, 1639 28 19 — Milano, S. Raffaele Death: December 8, 1682 — Milano, S. Giovanni alle 4 Facce |
16 months elder brother |
Cristoforo Gioseffo Archinto Birth: May 23, 1640 30 20 — Milano, S. Raffaele Death: October 30, 1643 — Milano, S. Raffaele |
2 years elder sister |
Teresa Maria Archinto Birth: October 8, 1642 32 23 — Milano, S. Raffele Death: August 17, 1643 — Milano, S. Raffele |
14 months herself |
Maria Luigia Archinto Birth: November 26, 1643 33 24 — Milano, S. Raffele Death: between 1643 and 1740 |
4 months younger brother |
Filippo Archinto Birth: March 14, 1644 33 24 — Milano, S. Bartolomeo Death: May 20, 1712 — Milano, S. Fermo |
1 year younger brother |
Carlo Lodovico Archinto Birth: March 15, 1645 34 25 — Milano, S. Bartolomeo Death: September 25, 1660 — Milano, S. Bartolomeo |
17 months younger brother |
Giulio Archinto Birth: August 10, 1646 36 27 — Milano, S. Bartolomeo Death: August 15, 1654 — Milano, S. Bartolomeo |
21 months younger brother |
Cristoforo Archinto Birth: May 21, 1648 38 28 — Milano, S. Bartolomeo Death: between 1648 and 1740 |
15 months younger brother |
Bartolomeo Archinto Birth: August 9, 1649 39 30 — Milano, S. Bartolomeo Death: August 17, 1654 — Milano, S. Bartolomeo |
20 months younger brother |
Giuseppe Archinto Birth: April 17, 1651 41 31 — Milano, S. Bartolomeo Death: April 9, 1712 — Milano, S. Tecla in Metropolitana |
22 months younger brother |
Ludovico Archinto Birth: February 25, 1653 42 33 — Milano, S. Bartolomeo Death: September 7, 1693 — nell’assedio di Belgrado |
22 months younger sister |
Giulia Teresa Archinto Birth: December 20, 1654 44 35 — Milano, S. Bartolomeo Death: between 1654 and 1750 |
20 months younger sister |
Lucrezia Archinto Birth: August 9, 1656 46 37 — Milano, S. Bartolomeo Death: April 22, 1713 — Milano, S. Stefano Maggiore |