Antonio Giuseppe Martinengo dalle PalleAge: 0 days1766–1766
- Name
- Antonio Giuseppe Martinengo dalle Palle
Birth | between 1766 and 1785 34 28 |
Birth of a brother | Alessandro Martinengo dalle Palle between 1766 and 1785 (on the date of death) |
Birth of a sister | Marianna Martinengo dalle Palle July 6, 1785 |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Ippolita Martinengo dalle Palle between 1738 and 1800 |
Death of a brother | “Luigi” II Martinengo dalle Palle April 20, 1826 (Age 60 years) |
Death of a brother | Giovanni Battista Martinengo dalle Palle between 1827 and 1860 (Age 61 years) |
Death of a brother | Alessandro Martinengo dalle Palle between 1766 and 1880 (on the date of death) |
Death of a mother | Caterina Martinengo Palatino 1807 (Age 41 years) |
Death of a father | “Venceslao” III Martinengo dalle Palle 1813 (Age 47 years) |
Death of a sister | Marianna Martinengo dalle Palle June 7, 1831 (Age 65 years) |
Death | between 1766 and 1880 |
Title | N. H. yes |
Title | Patrizio Milanese yes |
Family with parents |
father |
“Venceslao” III Martinengo dalle Palle Birth: May 1731 37 27 Death: 1813 |
mother |
Caterina Martinengo Palatino Birth: 1738 55 48 Death: 1807 |
Marriage: September 22, 1762 — |
21 months elder brother |
“Luigi” II Martinengo dalle Palle Birth: June 23, 1764 33 26 Death: April 20, 1826 |
1 year elder brother |
Giovanni Battista Martinengo dalle Palle Birth: July 1, 1765 34 27 Death: between 1827 and 1860 |
21 years twin brother |
Alessandro Martinengo dalle Palle Birth: between 1766 and 1785 34 28 Death: between 1766 and 1880 |
20 years himself |
Antonio Giuseppe Martinengo dalle Palle Birth: between 1766 and 1785 34 28 Death: between 1766 and 1880 |
20 years sister |
Marianna Martinengo dalle Palle Birth: July 6, 1785 54 47 Death: June 7, 1831 — Milano, Sant'Alessandro |