Maria Luigia Borromeo AreseAge: 87 years18911978

Maria Luigia Borromeo Arese
Birth June 10, 1891 32 23
Birth of a brotherEmilio “Vitaliano” Borromeo Arese
October 15, 1892 (Age 16 months)
Birth of a sisterMargherita Borromeo Arese
October 20, 1894 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a sisterCarla Borromeo Arese
June 22, 1897 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a brotherFederico Borromeo Arese
November 8, 1902 (Age 11 years)
Birth of a brotherVittorio Emanuele Borromeo Arese
April 13, 1905 (Age 13 years)
Birth of a sister“Laura” Emilia Borromeo Arese
December 17, 1907 (Age 16 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherEmilio Borromeo Arese
September 19, 1909 (Age 18 years)
MarriageGaetano BesanaView this family
June 17, 1912 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a son
Giovanni Besana
May 18, 1913 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a daughter
Francesca Besana
September 18, 1920 (Age 29 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherElisabetta Borromeo Arese
July 23, 1928 (Age 37 years)
Death of a motherRosanna Leonardi di Casalino
January 1, 1931 (Age 39 years)
Death of a father“Giberto” Vitaliano Borromeo Arese
February 28, 1941 (Age 49 years)
Marriage of a childFranco PuricelliFrancesca BesanaView this family
September 8, 1941 (Age 50 years)

Death of a husbandGaetano Besana
August 2, 1951 (Age 60 years)
Death of a sisterMargherita Borromeo Arese
October 24, 1955 (Age 64 years)
Death of a sisterElisabetta Borromeo Arese
July 9, 1970 (Age 79 years)

Death of a sister“Laura” Emilia Borromeo Arese
February 16, 1971 (Age 79 years)
Death of a brotherFederico Borromeo Arese
January 3, 1973 (Age 81 years)
Death of a brotherVittorio Emanuele Borromeo Arese
1978 (Age 86 years)

Death July 18, 1978 (Age 87 years)

Nobile dei Principi, di Angera

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: May 11, 1887Casalino
13 months
elder sister
3 years
16 months
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
5 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
Family with Gaetano Besana - View this family
Marriage: June 17, 1912Milano
11 months
7 years
