Pietro CastelliAge: 75 years1560–1635
- Name
- Pietro Castelli
Birth | between 1560 and 1675 |
Marriage | Lucrezia Palazzi — View this family between 1635 and 1696 (on the date of death) |
Death | between 1635 and 1696 (Age 75 years) |
Family with Lucrezia Palazzi |
himself |
Pietro Castelli Birth: between 1560 and 1675 Death: between 1635 and 1696 |
wife |
Lucrezia Palazzi Birth: between 1620 and 1645 Death: between 1701 and 1710 |
Marriage: between 1635 and 1696 — |
Pietro Averoldi + Lucrezia Palazzi |
wife’s husband |
Pietro Averoldi Birth: 1631 30 Death: between 1665 and 1695 |
wife |
Lucrezia Palazzi Birth: between 1620 and 1645 Death: between 1701 and 1710 |
Marriage: between 1650 and 1662 — |
13 years step-son |
Giovanni Francesco Averoldi Birth: 1662 31 42 Death: |
4 years step-son |
Antonio Averoldi Birth: 1665 34 45 Death: |
Camillo Avogadro + Lucrezia Palazzi |
wife’s husband |
Camillo Avogadro Birth: between 1648 and 1665 78 38 Death: between 1682 and 1686 |
wife |
Lucrezia Palazzi Birth: between 1620 and 1645 Death: between 1701 and 1710 |
Marriage: between 1665 and 1686 — |
“Teofilo” III Martinengo Palatino + Lucrezia Palazzi |
wife’s husband |
“Teofilo” III Martinengo Palatino Birth: 1633 21 33 Death: between 1700 and 1710 |
wife |
Lucrezia Palazzi Birth: between 1620 and 1645 Death: between 1701 and 1710 |
Marriage: 1696 — |