“Giovanni Battista” Eugenio PesentiAge: 68 years1736–1805
- Name
- “Giovanni Battista” Eugenio Pesenti
Family with parents |
father |
“Pietro Antonio” Bernardo Pesenti Birth: August 19, 1669 40 34 — Bergamo, "alle hore 24 circa già sonate, principiando la notte seguente" Death: February 17, 1738 — Bergamo, parrocchia di S. Salvatore |
mother |
Anna Maria Colleoni Birth: between 1694 and 1720 69 44 Death: between 1736 and 1815 |
Marriage: September 10, 1722 — Bergamo, S. Pancrazio |
5 years elder brother |
“Pietro Maria” Luigi Baldassarre Pesenti Birth: June 20, 1727 57 33 — venerdì, alle hore quattro e mezza di notte Death: December 7, 1750 — Bergamo, parrocchia di S. Salvatore |
2 years elder brother |
“Giovanni Paolo” Gaetano Maria Pesenti Birth: August 15, 1729 59 35 — Lunedì, alle ore 10 3/4 circa Death: between 1748 and 1825 |
23 months elder brother |
“Marcantonio” Giacinto Odoardo Pesenti Birth: July 10, 1731 61 37 — Martedì alle ore 23 1/2 circa Death: May 15, 1789 — Bergamo, parrocchia di S. Salvatore |
6 years himself |
“Giovanni Battista” Eugenio Pesenti Birth: December 30, 1736 67 42 — Domenica "à ore 14 in circa" Death: March 15, 1805 — Bergamo, S. Andrea |
Family with Anna Maria Moroni |
himself |
“Giovanni Battista” Eugenio Pesenti Birth: December 30, 1736 67 42 — Domenica "à ore 14 in circa" Death: March 15, 1805 — Bergamo, S. Andrea |
wife |
Anna Maria Moroni Birth: between 1735 and 1755 40 Death: between 1787 and 1850 |
Marriage: August 31, 1770 — |
10 months son |
“Pietro Antonio” Giuseppe Domizio Pesenti Birth: July 5, 1771 34 36 — Venerdì. dopo le ore 22 Death: between 1771 and 1865 |
6 years daughter |
“Laura” Felice Pesenti Birth: October 24, 1777 40 42 — Bergamo, parrocchia di S. Salvatore Death: September 3, 1789 — Bergamo, parrocchia di S. Salvatore |
6 years daughter |
“Elisabetta” Maria Pesenti Birth: November 23, 1783 46 48 — Bergamo, parrocchia di S. Salvatore Death: between 1783 and 1880 |
Family with Giovanna Pesenti |
himself |
“Giovanni Battista” Eugenio Pesenti Birth: December 30, 1736 67 42 — Domenica "à ore 14 in circa" Death: March 15, 1805 — Bergamo, S. Andrea |
wife |
Giovanna Pesenti Birth: 1768 44 30 Death: May 24, 1842 |
Marriage: between 1788 and 1795 — |
8 years daughter |
“Anna Maria” Fortunata Pesenti Birth: February 27, 1796 59 28 — Bergamo, parrocchia di S. Salvatore Death: April 22, 1798 — Bergamo, parrocchia di S. Salvatore |
4 years son |
“Pietro” Antonio Felice Pesenti Birth: January 20, 1800 63 32 Death: February 2, 1842 |
23 months daughter |
Marianna Pesenti Birth: December 29, 1801 64 33 — Bergamo, parrocchia di S. Salvatore Death: March 17, 1875 |
Note | Fece testamento il 13 settembre 1803. |