“Maria” Luigia Carolina AjroldiAge: 1811–1811
- Name
- “Maria” Luigia Carolina Ajroldi
Birth | December 11, 1811 40 32 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Giuseppe Cordoglio between 1779 and 1811 |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Maria Pallavicini between 1779 and 1811 |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Teresa Keren between 1780 and 1811 |
Death of a father | “Carlo” Giuseppe Gaspare Luigi Bernardino Ajroldi April 30, 1812 (Age 4 months) |
Associate | Type: INDI yesGODF: Giovanni Villa — step-father |
Associate | Type: INDI yes |
Death | between 1811 and 1812 |
Title | Donna yes |
Family with parents |
father |
“Carlo” Giuseppe Gaspare Luigi Bernardino Ajroldi Birth: May 20, 1771 35 36 — Milano, S. Pietro sul Dosso Death: April 30, 1812 — Milano, S. Stefano Maggiore |
mother |
Rachele Cordoglio Birth: 1779 79 49 — Milano Death: between 1858 and 1875 |
Marriage: between 1795 and 1802 — |
7 years elder brother |
“Giovanni” Battista Ajroldi Birth: February 17, 1802 30 23 Death: about 1841 — presso Brescia |
11 months elder brother |
Marcello Ajroldi Birth: January 30, 1803 31 24 Death: 1835 — Genova |
14 months elder brother |
“Annibale” Cesare Ermenegildo Ajroldi Birth: April 13, 1804 32 25 — Milano, S. Maria alla Porta Death: August 23, 1852 — Milano, San Carlo |
3 years elder brother |
Carlo “Francesco” Maria Michele Ajroldi Birth: September 29, 1806 35 27 — Milano, S. Babila Death: September 15, 1847 — Milano, San Nazaro |
2 years elder sister |
“Adelaide” Maria Caterina Carolina Ajroldi Birth: November 28, 1808 37 29 — Milano, San Babila Death: 1849 — Milano |
23 months elder brother |
“Cesare” Ferdinando Ernesto Ajroldi Aliprandi Birth: October 26, 1810 39 31 — Milano, S. Stefano Maggiore Death: January 13, 1891 — Milano, La Metropolitana |
14 months herself |
“Maria” Luigia Carolina Ajroldi Birth: December 11, 1811 40 32 — Milano, S. Stefano Maggiore Death: between 1811 and 1812 |
Mother’s family with Giovanni Villa |
step-father |
Giovanni Villa Birth: 1771 56 — Milano Death: between 1819 and 1865 |
mother |
Rachele Cordoglio Birth: 1779 79 49 — Milano Death: between 1858 and 1875 |
Marriage: April 1816 — Milano, S. Nazaro |
-3 months half-brother |
Pompeo Villa Birth: 1815 44 36 — Milano Death: February 18, 1900 — Forlì |
16 years half-brother |
Alessandro Villa Birth: between 1816 and 1830 45 37 Death: between 1891 and 1892 |
15 years half-brother |
Ercole Villa Birth: between 1816 and 1830 45 37 Death: between 1891 and 1925 |
3 years half-brother |
Marcellino Achille Villa Birth: April 21, 1819 48 40 — Milano, San Fedele Death: between 1819 and 1891 |
Note | Sembra essere premorta al padre. |