Pietro ConteAge: 88 years1580–1668
- Name
- Pietro Conte
Birth | between 1580 and 1650 80 |
Death of a father | Gasparo Conte between 1580 and 1668 |
Death | between February 29, 1668 and 1745 (Age 88 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Gasparo Conte Birth: between 1500 and 1630 Death: between 1580 and 1668 |
himself |
Pietro Conte Birth: between 1580 and 1650 80 Death: between February 29, 1668 and 1745 |
Note | Testimone a un atto di vendita da parte di Evaristo Baschenis presso i l notaio Belisario Tasca il 29 febbraio 1668. |