Ignazio BelliAge: 105 years1778–1883
- Name
- Ignazio Belli
Birth | March 2, 1778 21 17 |
Birth of a sister | Elisabetta Maria Belli June 3, 1779 (Age 15 months) |
Birth of a brother | Bartolomeo Belli August 3, 1781 (Age 3 years) |
Birth of a sister | Maria Margherita Belli May 7, 1782 (Age 4 years) |
Birth of a brother | Giovanni Battista Belli January 19, 1783 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | “Ignazio” Luigi Belli between 1756 and 1830 |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Maddalena Piatti between 1756 and 1835 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Giovanni Battista Cortinovis between 1760 and 1835 |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Elena Mazza de' Piccioli between 1760 and 1840 |
Death of a mother | Maria Anna Cortinovis October 4, 1809 (Age 31 years) |
Death of a father | “Paolo” Francesco Antonio Belli July 12, 1841 (Age 63 years) |
Death of a sister | Elisabetta Maria Belli February 12, 1846 (Age 67 years) |
Death of a sister | Maria Margherita Belli November 22, 1846 (Age 68 years) |
Death of a brother | Bartolomeo Belli December 25, 1850 (Age 72 years) |
Death of a brother | Giovanni Battista Belli March 15, 1860 (Age 82 years) |
Death | November 1, 1883 (Age 105 years) |
Title | Dottore, in Giurisprudenza yes |
Family with parents |
father |
“Paolo” Francesco Antonio Belli Birth: June 3, 1756 76 51 Death: July 12, 1841 |
mother |
Maria Anna Cortinovis Birth: November 30, 1760 80 50 Death: October 4, 1809 |
Marriage: June 9, 1776 — |
21 months himself |
Ignazio Belli Birth: March 2, 1778 21 17 Death: November 1, 1883 |
15 months younger sister |
Elisabetta Maria Belli Birth: June 3, 1779 23 18 Death: February 12, 1846 |
2 years younger brother |
Bartolomeo Belli Birth: August 3, 1781 25 20 Death: December 25, 1850 |
9 months younger sister |
Maria Margherita Belli Birth: May 7, 1782 25 21 Death: November 22, 1846 |
8 months younger brother |
Giovanni Battista Belli Birth: January 19, 1783 26 22 Death: March 15, 1860 |