Febo Borromeo d'AddaAge: 73 years1871–1945
- Name
- Febo Borromeo d'Adda
Birth | May 11, 1871 43 28 |
Birth of a sister | Costanza Borromeo May 23, 1874 (Age 3 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Vitaliano d'Adda 1879 (Age 7 years) |
Birth of a brother | Giancarlo Borromeo July 27, 1880 (Age 9 years) |
Death of a father | Carlo Borromeo January 31, 1889 (Age 17 years) |
Marriage | Orietta Doria Pamphili — View this family between 1890 and 1907 (Age 18 years) |
Death of a mother | Costanza d'Adda December 29, 1891 (Age 20 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | “Carlo” Alfonso Borromeo d'Adda January 3, 1907 (Age 35 years) |
Death of a sister | Costanza Borromeo February 25, 1923 (Age 51 years) |
Death of a sister | Carolina Borromeo June 12, 1925 (Age 54 years) |
Death | 1945 (Age 73 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Carlo Borromeo Birth: February 21, 1828 40 22 — Milano Death: January 31, 1889 — Senego |
mother |
Costanza d'Adda Birth: August 4, 1842 42 — Milano Death: December 29, 1891 — Oreno |
Marriage: 1860 — |
3 years elder brother |
Febo Borromeo Birth: August 6, 1862 34 20 — Milano Death: July 6, 1863 — Cassano d'Adda |
20 months elder sister |
Carolina Borromeo Birth: April 7, 1864 36 21 Death: June 12, 1925 |
4 years elder sister |
“Maria” Giusta Borromeo Birth: February 29, 1868 40 25 — Milano Death: April 17, 1949 — Milano |
3 years himself |
Febo Borromeo d'Adda Birth: May 11, 1871 43 28 Death: 1945 |
3 years younger sister |
Costanza Borromeo Birth: May 23, 1874 46 31 — Milano Death: February 25, 1923 — Torino |
6 years younger brother |
Giancarlo Borromeo Birth: July 27, 1880 52 37 — Milano Death: December 13, 1965 |
Family with Orietta Doria Pamphili |
himself |
Febo Borromeo d'Adda Birth: May 11, 1871 43 28 Death: 1945 |
wife |
Orietta Doria Pamphili Death: |
Marriage: between 1890 and 1907 — |
17 years son |
“Carlo” Alfonso Borromeo d'Adda Birth: January 3, 1907 35 Death: August 15, 1979 |
Note | Nel 1913 prese il cognome Borromeo d'Adda. |