Antonia Mapelli MozziAge: 88 years19292017

Antonia Mapelli Mozzi
Birth February 21, 1929 35 37
Death of a sisterFrancesca Mapelli Mozzi
October 29, 1931 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherPier Luigi Mapelli Mozzi
March 22, 1933 (Age 4 years)

Birth of a sisterAnna Maria Mapelli Mozzi
March 22, 1933 (Age 4 years)

Death of a brotherPier Luigi Mapelli Mozzi
June 1933 (Age 4 years)

Death of a sisterAnna Maria Mapelli Mozzi
June 1933 (Age 4 years)

Death of a paternal grandmotherEnrichetta Tarsis
November 18, 1941 (Age 12 years)

Death of a maternal grandfather“Pietro” Antonio Carlo Giovanni Maria Baroli
between 1891 and 1950

Death of a maternal grandmother“Antonia” Maria Dolores Marini
between 1891 and 1945

Death of a fatherLuigi Mapelli Mozzi
June 29, 1948 (Age 19 years)

Death of a motherMaria Mercedes Baroli
June 25, 1979 (Age 50 years)

Death of a brotherGian Paolo Mapelli Mozzi
April 2, 1980 (Age 51 years)

Death of a brotherGerolamo Mapelli Mozzi
March 17, 1987 (Age 58 years)

Death of a sisterMaria “Laura” Mapelli Mozzi
January 5, 1994 (Age 64 years)

Death May 3, 2017 (Age 88 years)

Nobile dei Conti

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elder brother
14 months
elder brother
15 months
elder sister
22 months
elder brother
19 months
elder sister
2 years
4 years
younger brother
younger sister