Giovanni Pietro CalepioAge: 70 years1660–1730
- Name
- Giovanni Pietro Calepio
Birth | between 1660 and 1710 |
Marriage | Cornelia Maria Colleoni — View this family February 11, 1730 (on the date of death) |
Death of a wife | Cornelia Maria Colleoni between February 11, 1730 and 1810 (on the date of death) |
Death | between February 11, 1730 and 1805 (Age 70 years) |
Family with Cornelia Maria Colleoni |
himself |
Giovanni Pietro Calepio Birth: between 1660 and 1710 Death: between February 11, 1730 and 1805 |
wife |
Cornelia Maria Colleoni Birth: between 1696 and 1715 50 46 Death: between February 11, 1730 and 1810 |
Marriage: February 11, 1730 — |