Margherita Pezzoli d'AlbertoneAge: 86 years17201806

Margherita Pezzoli d'Albertone
Birth between 1720 and 1750 70

Birth of a sisterAnnunciata Pezzoli d'Albertone
between 1730 and 1750 (Age 10 years)

Birth of a son
Giuseppe Poldi Pezzoli d'Albertone
March 20, 1768 (Age 48 years)
Birth of a brotherGiuseppe Pezzoli d'Albertone
between 1725 and 1788 (Age 5 years)

Birth of a brotherGianmaria Pezzoli d'Albertone
before 1785 (Age 65 years)

Birth of a daughter
Colomba Poldi
before 1790 (Age 70 years)

Birth of a daughter
Luigia Poldi
before 1790 (Age 70 years)

Birth of a son
Giovanni Battista Poldi
before 1805 (Age 85 years)

Death of a paternal grandfatherGirolamo Pezzoli d'Albertone
between 1650 and 1805

Birth of a son
Girolamo Poldi
before May 15, 1806 (on the date of death)

Marriage of a child?? ZucchiColomba PoldiView this family
before May 15, 1806 (on the date of death)

Marriage of a childGiuseppe TecchiLuigia PoldiView this family
before May 15, 1806 (on the date of death)

Death of a husbandGaetano Poldi
before May 15, 1806 (on the date of death)

Death of a fatherGirolamo Pezzoli d'Albertone
between 1730 and 1806 (Age 10 years)

Death of a sisterAnnunciata Pezzoli d'Albertone
between 1776 and 1806 (Age 56 years)

Death of a brotherGianmaria Pezzoli d'Albertone
before May 15, 1806 (on the date of death)

Death before May 15, 1806 (Age 86 years)

Family with parents - View this family
69 years
26 years
56 years
younger brother
Family with Gaetano Poldi - View this family
23 years
1 year
16 years
16 months