Zsófia ÁrpádEtà: 50 anni10451095

Zsófia Árpád
Nascita tra il 1045 e il 1050 29 27

Morte della madreRyksa Piast
circa 1060 (Età 15 anni)
MatrimonioUlrich von Weimar-OrlamündeView this family
tra il 1062 e il 1063 (Età 17 anni)

Nascita di un figlio
n° 1
«Poppo» II von Weimar-Orlamünde
tra il 1062 e il 1080 (Età 17 anni)

Nascita di una figlia
n° 2
Richgard von Weimar-Orlamünde
circa 1062 (Età 17 anni)

Morte di una nonna maternaRicheza Azzoni
21 marzo 1063 (Età 18 anni)
Morte del padre«Béla» I Árpád
11 settembre 1063 (Età 18 anni)
MatrimonioMagnus di SassoniaView this family
tra il 1070 e il 1071 (Età 25 anni)

Morte di un maritoUlrich von Weimar-Orlamünde
6 marzo 1070 (Età 25 anni)

Morte di una figliaRichgard von Weimar-Orlamünde
tra il 1075 e il 1128 (Età 30 anni)

Morte di un fratello«Géza» I Árpád
25 aprile 1077 (Età 32 anni)

Matrimonio di un figlio«Poppo» II von Weimar-OrlamündeRichgard von SponheimView this family
circa 1090 (Età 45 anni)

Morte di una nonna paterna?? Cometopuli
tra il 1016 e il 1095

Morte 18 giugno 1095 (Età 50 anni)

Famiglia con genitori - View this family
Matrimonio: tra il 1039 e il 1042
7 anni
Famiglia con Ulrich von Weimar-Orlamünde - View this family
Matrimonio: tra il 1062 e il 1063
19 anni
Famiglia con Magnus di Sassonia - View this family
Matrimonio: tra il 1070 e il 1071


http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/HUNGARY.htm SOPHIA ([1045/50]-18 Ju n 1095, bur Lüneburg St Michaelis). The ''Annalista Saxo'' names "sor orem Ladizlai regis Ungarie Sophiam" as wife of Ulrich, and in a late r passage records her second marriage [''Annalista Saxo'' 1062 and 107 0]. Sophia has therefore generally been assumed to be the daughter o f Béla I King of Hungary [See for example ES II 154]. According to We gener [Wegener (1965/67), p. 141], she was the daughter of King Bél a by Tuta von Formbach, whom he suggests was the king's second wife. H is argument is based on connections with the monastery of Suben (nea r Schärding in Upper Austria), founded in 1040. He explains that Tut a is named in 1153 as "die Gründerin von Suben, Königin", and that i n a later document at the monastery she is more specifically referre d to as "Königin von Ungarn". The author makes the connection with So phia by highlighting the burial at Suben of Udalschalk Graf im Lurnga u and his wife Adelheid. He identifies the latter as Sophia's daughte r by her first husband who, he suggests, married Udalschalk after th e death of her earlier husband Friedrich I Domvogt von Regensburg. Th e major difficulty with this hypothesis is Sophia's own estimated birt h date. She must have been born before [1050], at the very latest, giv en the birth of her three (possibly four) children by her first husban d, who died in early 1070. If Sophia was King Béla's daughter, her mo ther must have been his Polish wife who, according to ''Europäische S tammtafeln'' [ES II 154], died after 1059. An alternative possibilit y is that she was Tuta's daughter, but by another king of Hungary. ''E uropäische Stammtafeln'' [ES II 153] shows Tuta as the wife of Péte r Orseolo King of Hungary. Contemporary political realities suggest th at a prominent marriage for a daughter of the disgraced King Péter i s unlikely. Until more information comes to light, it is safer to assu me that Sophia was the daughter of King Béla and [Ryksa] of Poland, a nd that another (so far unidentified) factor explains the apparent con nection between Tuta and Sophia through Suben monastery. Sophia's seco nd marriage is confirmed by the Chronicon Sancti Michaelis Luneburgens is which names "Sophia filia regis Ungarorum Wadreslai" as wife of "Ma gnus dux" [''Chronicon Sancti Michaelis Luneburgensis'', MGH SS XXIII , p. 390], although King László was her brother not her father. Soph ia's second marriage presumably took place soon after the death of he r first husband in Mar 1070 as Duke Magnus was imprisoned later in 107 0. The ''Annalista Saxo'' records the death of "Sophia quoque ductrix