Eadmund “Ironside” of EnglandAge: 26 years9901016

Eadmund “Ironside” of England
Birth about 990 24 45

Birth of a sisterÆlfgifu of England
between 990 and 995
Death of a paternal grandmotherÆlfthryth of Devon
between 999 and 1002 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a half-sisterGodgifu of England
between 1000 and 1013 (Age 10 years)

Marriage of a parent“Æthelred” II “the UnreadyUnrædRedeles” of EnglandEmma di NormandiaView this family
between 1000 and 1002 (Age 10 years)

MarriageÆldgyth ??View this family
1015 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a son
Edward of England
between 1016 and 1017 (Age 26 years)

Death of a father“Æthelred” II “the UnreadyUnrædRedeles” of England
April 23, 1016 (Age 26 years)
Death of a motherÆlfgiva ??
between 990 and 1070

Death of a wifeÆldgyth ??
between 1016 and 1095 (Age 26 years)

Re, d'Inghilterra
from April 1016 (Age 26 years)

Death November 30, 1016 (Age 26 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: between 980 and 985
16 years
Ælfgifu of England
Birth: between 990 and 995 24 45Mercia, The Land of the Tomsaetians (Inghilterra)
Death: about 1042Mercia Lincolnshire (Inghilterra)
1 year
Father’s family with Emma di Normandia - View this family
Marriage: between 1000 and 1002
14 years
Family with Ældgyth ?? - View this family
Marriage: 1015Malmesbury, Wiltshire (Inghilterra)
3 years


http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLAND,%20AngloSaxon%20&%20Danish%20K ings.htm EADMUND, son of ÆTHELRED II King of England & his first wif e Ælflæd ([990]-30 Nov 1016, bur Glastonbury Abbey, Somerset [1]). F lorence of Worcester’s genealogies name "Ælfgiva, comitis Ægelberh ti filia" as mother of King Æthelred’s three sons "Eadmundum, Eadwi um et Æthelstanum" and his daughter "Eadgitham" [2]. Roger of Wendove r records the birth in 981 of "rex Ethelredus… filium… Eadmundum " [3], but this date is probably inaccurate if it is correct (as show n above) that Eadmund was his father’s third son, given King Æthelr ed’s birth in [966]. "Eadmundus filius regis/clito/ætheling" subscr ibed charters of King Æthelred II dated between 993 and 1015, the las t dated 1015 being signed "Eadmund regie indolis soboles" [4]. His nam e was listed after his brother Ecgberht, before the latter's disappear ance from the records in 1005, consistent with Edmund being the thir d son. He subscribed his father's charter dated 1002 which granted lan d at Codicote, Hertfordshire to Ælthelm, signing third among the brot hers [5], and "Eadmundus clito" subscribed his father's 1006 charter m aking grants to St Alban's, also signing third [6]. Ætheling Æthelst an, under his will dated [1014], made bequests to "…my brother Eadmu nd, my brother Eadwig…" [7]. After the murder of the brothers Sigefe rth and Morcar, leading thegns in northern England, Edmund abducted an d married Sigeferth's widow against his father's wishes. In Sep 1015 , he proceeded north to retake the properties of his wife's first husb and which had been confiscated by the king [8]. In early 1016, Edmun d devastated northwest Mercia in alliance with Uhtred Earl of Northumb ria, but returned to London to rejoin his father shortly before he die d. He was immediately proclaimed king on his father's death in 1016 b y an assembly of northern notables and burghers of London [9], succeed ing as EDMUND "Ironside" King of England, crowned at Old St Paul's Cat hedral in Apr 1016. The Witan had offered the throne to Knud of Denmar k, to whom a group of nobles and church dignitaries from southern Engl and swore allegiance at Southampton [10]. King Edmund reconquered Wess ex from Danish forces, and relieved London from the siege imposed b y a Danish fleet. The Danes turned their attention to Mercia, Eadric " Streona/the Acquisitor" defecting back to King Edmund's forces at Ayle sford only to betray him again at Ashingdon in Essex where Danish forc es finally defeated King Edmund in Oct 1016 [11]. At Alney, near Deerh urst, Edmund agreed a compromise division of the country with Canute , Edmund taking Wessex and Canute the north, but King Edmund died befo re this could be implemented. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records the de ath on St Andrew's day 1016 of King Edmund and his burial at Glastonbu ry [12]. According to Henry of Huntingdon, King Edmund was murdered b y the son of Eadric Streona [13]. [1] Henry of Huntingdon, II, 14, p . 16. [2] Florentii Wigornensis Monachi ''Chronicon'', Vol. I, Geneal ogia regum West-Saxonum, p. 275. [3] Roger of Wendover, Vol. I, p. 42 2. [4] S 876, S 878, S 891, S 893, S 897, S 898, S 899, S 900, S 901 , S 904, S 906, S 910, S 912, S 915, S 918, S 920, S 921, S 922, S 923 , S 924, S 925, S 927, S 929, S 931, S 933 and S 934. [5] MP, Vol. VI , p. 18-20. [6] MP, Vol. VI, Additamenta, pp. 21-4. [7] EHD, 129, pp . 593-6. [8] Florence of Worcester, 1015, p. 125. [9] Florence of Wo rcester, 1016, pp. 126-7. [10] Ronay (1989), p. 10. [11] Anglo-Saxo n Chronicle, D, E and F, 1016. [12] Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, D, E and F , 1016. [13] Henry of Huntingdon, II, 14, p. 15.