Corona CalzavegliaAge: 25 years1626–1651
- Name
- Corona Calzaveglia
Birth | 1626 33 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Vincenzo Calzaveglia between 1593 and 1630 |
Death of a father | Ercole Calzaveglia 1635 (Age 9 years) |
Birth of a half-brother | Pietro Poncarali 1637 (Age 11 years) |
Marriage | Francesco Avogadro — View this family about 1639 (Age 13 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Scipione Avogadro 1651 (on the date of death) |
Marriage of a child | Scipione Avogadro — Paola Martinengo dalle Palle — View this family between 1670 and 1675 (Age 44 years) |
Death of a husband | Francesco Avogadro 1689 (Age 63 years) |
Death of a son | Scipione Avogadro 1715 (Age 89 years) |
Death | between 1651 and 1720 (Age 25 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Ercole Calzaveglia Birth: 1593 57 Death: 1635 |
mother |
Ippolita Bargnani Death: |
herself |
Corona Calzaveglia Birth: 1626 33 Death: between 1651 and 1720 |
Father’s family with an unknown individual |
father |
Ercole Calzaveglia Birth: 1593 57 Death: 1635 |
Marriage: — unmarried |
half-sibling |
?? Calzaveglia Death: |
half-sibling |
?? Calzaveglia Death: |
half-sibling |
?? Calzaveglia Death: |
Mother’s family with Decio Poncarali |
step-father |
Decio Poncarali Birth: between 1605 and 1620 47 Death: between 1637 and 1660 — giovane |
mother |
Ippolita Bargnani Death: |
half-brother |
Pietro Poncarali Birth: 1637 32 Death: between 1679 and 1730 |
half-brother |
Bartolomeo Poncarali Death: |
Family with Francesco Avogadro |
husband |
Francesco Avogadro Birth: 1621 46 26 Death: 1689 |
herself |
Corona Calzaveglia Birth: 1626 33 Death: between 1651 and 1720 |
Marriage: about 1639 — |
13 years son |
Scipione Avogadro Birth: 1651 30 25 Death: 1715 |