Ordgar of DevonAge: 91 years880971

Ordgar of Devon
Birth between 880 and 925

Birth of a daughter
Ælfthryth of Devon
about 945 (Age 65 years)
Marriage of a childEdgar “il Pacifico” of WessexÆlfthryth of DevonView this family
965 (Age 85 years)

Death 971 (Age 91 years)

Ealdorman, of Devon


http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLAND,%20AngloSaxon%20nobility.ht m ORDGAR (-971, bur Exeter). The root "Ord-" in his name suggests a f amily relationship with Ordmær: maybe they were brothers. Ealdorman o f Devon. "Ordgar dux" subscribed charters of King Edgar dated betwee n 964 and 970 [1], one charter dated 966 specifying that he was "Ordga rus dux Domnoniæ" [2]. Simeon of Durham records the death in 971 of " Ordgar duke of Devonshire the father-in-law of King Eadgar" and his bu rial at Exeter [3]. His death in 971 is recorded by Roger of Hoveden [ 4]. m ---. The name of Ordgar's wife is not known. [1] S 724, S 737 , S 741, S 746, S 758, S 766 and S 779. [2] S 741. [3] Simeon of Dur ham, p. 507. [4] Roger of Hoveden I, p. 63.