Gerardo LupiAge: 66 years14711537

Gerardo Lupi

Ramo di Chiuduno

Ramo di Chiuduno
Birth between 1471 and 1489 61 16

Birth of a sister?? Lupi
between 1471 and 1488

Birth of a sister?? Lupi
between 1471 and 1489

Birth of a brotherTroilo Lupi
about 1471

Birth of a brotherFrancesco Lupi
about 1471

Birth of a brotherGiovanni Antonio Lupi
about 1471

Birth of a brotherGerolamo Lupi
between 1471 and 1489

Birth of a brotherGiovanni Maria Lupi
between 1471 and 1489

Birth of a sister?? Lupi
between 1472 and 1489 (Age 12 months)

Birth of a brotherSalvo Lupi
between 1472 and 1489 (Age 12 months)

Birth of a sisterDamoisella Lupi
between 1472 and 1489 (Age 12 months)

Birth of a brotherBernardo Lupi
between 1472 and 1489 (Age 12 months)

Birth of a brother?? Lupi
between 1473 and 1489 (Age 2 years)

Birth of a brother?? Lupi
between 1474 and 1478

Birth of a brother?? Lupi
between 1475 and 1479

Birth of a brother?? Lupi
between 1476 and 1480

Birth of a brother?? Lupi
between 1477 and 1481

Birth of a brother?? Lupi
between 1478 and 1482

Birth of a brother?? Lupi
between 1479 and 1483

Birth of a brother?? Lupi
between 1480 and 1484

Birth of a brother?? Lupi
between 1481 and 1485

Birth of a brother?? Lupi
between 1482 and 1486

Birth of a brother?? Lupi
between 1483 and 1487

Birth of a brother?? Lupi
between 1484 and 1488

Death of a fatherFilippo Lupi
between 1484 and 1489 (Age 13 years)

Birth of a brother?? Lupi
between 1485 and 1489 (Age 14 years)

Death of a brotherGerolamo Lupi
after 1495 (Age 24 years)

Death of a brotherGiovanni Antonio Lupi
July 10, 1500 (Age 29 years)
Death of a brotherSalvo Lupi
after 1500 (Age 29 years)

Death of a brotherFrancesco Lupi
1512 (Age 41 years)
Death of a brotherTroilo Lupi
estimated 1527 (Age 56 years)

MarriageCaterina CalepioView this family
before 1528 (Age 57 years)

Birth of a daughter
Dandola Lupi
before 1528 (Age 57 years)

Birth of a son
Lodovico Lupi
before 1528 (Age 57 years)

Death of a sonLodovico Lupi
before 1537 (Age 66 years)

Death of a brotherGiovanni Maria Lupi
between 1536 and 1542 (Age 65 years)

Marriage of a childGiacomo ZorliDandola LupiView this family
before 1554 (Age 83 years)

Death between 1537 and 1554 (Age 66 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1470
19 years
19 years
twin sister
1 year
1 year
1 year
19 years
19 years
twin brother
19 years
twin brother
19 years
18 years
18 years
18 years
18 years
6 years
6 years
6 years
49 years
6 years
twin brother
6 years
6 years
6 years
6 years
6 years
6 years
6 years
Family with Caterina Calepio - View this family
Marriage: before 1528
1 year
1 year


1489 Minore. 1512 Vicario di Val Gandino 28-4-1528 Testamento in Ber gamo, vicinia d'Antescolis '''GABRIELE MEDOLAGO, ''Il castello di Cen ate Sotto e la Famiglia Lupi'', Amministrazione Comunale di Cenate Sot to, 2003, p. 310, nota 688''': Il 5/6/1517 a Chiuduno nella casa di T roilo Lupi fabbricata a sue spese si procedette alla divisione fra Tro ilo, Gerardo e Gio: Maria fratelli e figli del fu cav. aurato Filipp o fu Detesalvo capitano generale di fanteria, tutti maggiori di 25 ann i. Troviamo nella parte di Troilo una terra già bregnata, prativa, ar atoria e vidata con l’acqua di due fonti, ora casata, solerata, copp ata e cortiva a Chiuduno ed il diritto di cavare pietre per fare mol e in una terra a Chiuduno. A Gio: Maria una casa cilterata, solerata , con più torri ed un orto, fuori e ad est dal castello, detta sott o il castello. Troviamo anche nella parte di Gerardo e Troilo un terre no detto la Capra di sotto Dugalle del Cherio, dove scorreva appunto i l fiume, parte di Troilo e parte di Gerardo. Nella parte di Gerardo v i era una chiesa vecchia distrutta, chiamata di S. Aless.. Qui nei gio rni precedenti era stato costruito un sedime cilterato e copato (Not . Sebastiano Maffeis imbrev. 1517-1519 ASBg not. 923, 133-140v).