Giacomo LechiAge: 76 years17681845

Giacomo Lechi
Birth November 20, 1768 38 20
Birth of a brotherAngelo Lechi
December 15, 1769 (Age 12 months)
Birth of a sisterMaria Teresa Lechi
February 8, 1771 (Age 2 years)

Death of a sisterMaria Teresa Lechi
August 23, 1772 (Age 3 years)

Birth of a sisterTeresa Lechi
September 12, 1772 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a sisterFrancesca Lechi
December 11, 1773 (Age 5 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherFrancesca Maccarinelli
1774 (Age 5 years)

Birth of a brotherBernardino Lechi
July 11, 1775 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a brotherTeodoro Lechi
January 16, 1778 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a sisterCaterina Lechi
April 23, 1779 (Age 10 years)

Death of a sisterCaterina Lechi
May 4, 1779 (Age 10 years)

Birth of a brotherPietro Lechi
June 13, 1780 (Age 11 years)

Birth of a sisterMaria Teresa Lechi
June 13, 1780 (Age 11 years)

Death of a brotherPietro Lechi
October 6, 1781 (Age 12 years)

Death of a sisterMaria Teresa Lechi
October 6, 1781 (Age 12 years)

Birth of a sisterPaola Lechi
November 8, 1781 (Age 12 years)

Death of a sisterPaola Lechi
November 10, 1781 (Age 12 years)

Birth of a brotherPietro Lechi
between 1782 and 1783 (Age 13 years)

Birth of a brotherPietro Lechi
December 30, 1783 (Age 15 years)

Death of a brotherPietro Lechi
1784 (Age 15 years)

Death of a brotherPietro Lechi
June 11, 1786 (Age 17 years)

Birth of a brotherLuigi Lechi
December 14, 1786 (Age 18 years)

Birth of a brotherPietro Lechi
February 28, 1789 (Age 20 years)

Death of a fatherFaustino Lechi
April 28, 1800 (Age 31 years)
Death of a sisterFrancesca Lechi
estimated May 1807 (Age 38 years)
Death of a motherDoralice Bielli
November 24, 1819 (Age 51 years)

MarriageRosalbina BorroniView this family
1826 (Age 57 years)

Death of a brotherGiuseppe Lechi
June 9, 1836 (Age 67 years)
Death of a sisterAngela Lechi
1838 (Age 69 years)

Death of a wifeRosalbina Borroni
1839 (Age 70 years)

Death of a sisterCecilia Lechi
November 1, 1839 (Age 70 years)

Death July 18, 1845 (Age 76 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: January 8, 1765
10 months
elder sister
13 months
elder brother
11 months
elder sister
1 year
13 months
younger brother
14 months
younger sister
19 months
younger sister
15 months
younger sister
19 months
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
15 months
younger sister
14 months
younger brother
younger sister
17 months
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
Family with Rosalbina Borroni - View this family
Marriage: 1826
Giuseppe Lamberti + Rosalbina Borroni - View this family
wife’s husband


Uomo politico, attivo rivoluzionario (1790), componente del Governo de lla Repubblica Bresciana (1797), poi dell'Assemblea legislativa degl i Iuniori (parlamento) della Repubblica Cisalpina (1798), deputato d i diritto ai Comizi di Lione (1801), membro del corpo legislativo e de lla Consulta di Stato della Repubblica Italiana (fino al 1805). Dimiss ionario per motivi ideologici ai prodromi del Regno Italico, si ritir