Judith d'AvranchesAge: 15 years10351050

Judith d'Avranches
Birth between 1035 and 1060 45 15

Birth of a sisterMarguerite d'Avranches
between 1035 and 1065

Marriage of parentsRichard “”le Goz“” d'Avranches(Emma?) de GrantmesnilView this family
between 1035 and 1047

Death of a maternal grandfatherRobert de Grantmesnil
June 17, 1040
Birth of a brother“Hugh” “Lupus” … d'Avranches

Death of a paternal grandfatherThurstan “”le Goz“” d'Avranches
between 1045 and 1055

Birth of a son
Gilbert de Laigle
between 1050 and 1075 (on the date of death)

Death of a husbandRicher de Laigle
November 18, 1085 (Age 50 years)
Marriage of a childGilbert de LaigleJuliane du PercheView this family
about 1092 (Age 57 years)

Death of a brother“Hugh” “Lupus” … d'Avranches
July 27, 1101 (Age 66 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherHawise d'Echauffour
between 1040 and 1105 (Age 5 years)

Death of a sonGilbert de Laigle
about 1118 (Age 83 years)

Death of a fatherRichard “”le Goz“” d'Avranches
between 1082 and 1125 (Age 47 years)

Death of a mother(Emma?) de Grantmesnil
between 1047 and 1130 (Age 12 years)

Death between 1050 and 1155 (Age 15 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: between 1035 and 1047
31 years
26 years
13 years
Family with Richer de Laigle - View this family


http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORMAN%20NOBILITY.htm JUDITH d'Avranc hes. Orderic Vitalis records that “Richerium de Aquila Engenulfi fil ium” married “Judith filiam Ricardi Abrincatensis cognomento Goz , sororem... Hugonis Cestrensium comitis” [1]. "Robertus…" donate d property to Chartres Saint-Père by charter dated to [1101/17], conf irmed by "Gisleberti… de Aquila" and witnessed by "Gisleberti de Aqu ila, Julite eiusdem matris et Juliane uxoris ipsius" [2]. "Richer de A quila son of Ingenulf de Aquila" donated property to the abbey of Sain t-Evroul by charter dated to [1099] (although this date is incorrect i f the date of his death is as shown above), witnessed by "…Judiht ux ore mea, filia Richardi de Abrincis et sorore Hugonis comitis Cestrens is" [3]. "Robertus…" donated property to Chartres Saint-Père by cha rter dated to [1101/17], confirmed by "Gisleberti… de Aquila" and wi tnessed by "Gisleberti de Aquila, Julite eiusdem matris et Juliane uxo ris ipsius" [4]. [1] Orderic Vitalis (Prévost), Vol. III, Liber VII , X, p. 197. [2] Chartres Saint-Père, Tome II, Liber Quartus, 27, p . 534. [3] Round (1899), 622, p. 218. [4] Chartres Saint-Père, Tom e II, Liber Quartus, 27, p. 534.