Vittoria FenaroliAge: 36 years1795–1831
- Name
- Vittoria Fenaroli
Birth | 1795 26 30 |
Birth of a sister | Caterina Fenaroli between 1800 and 1810 (Age 5 years) |
Birth of a brother | Giacinto Fenaroli 1802 (Age 7 years) |
Birth of a brother | Benedetto Fenaroli 1805 (Age 10 years) |
Birth of a brother | Pietro Fenaroli 1810 (Age 15 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Giuseppe Ferraroli between 1765 and 1820 |
Marriage | “Lodovico” Galeazzo Ducco — View this family about 1829 (Age 34 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Giacinto Fenaroli between 1769 and 1830 |
Birth of a son #1 | [senza nome] Ducco April 8, 1831 (on the date of death) |
Death of a son | [senza nome] Ducco April 8, 1831 (on the date of death) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Vittoria Violini between 1769 and 1845 |
Death of a sister | Caterina Fenaroli between 1829 and 1905 (Age 34 years) |
Death | April 8, 1831 (Age 36 years) |
Burial |
Family with parents |
father |
Lelio Fenaroli Birth: 1769 35 49 Death: 1854 |
mother |
Livia Ferraroli Birth: between 1765 and 1780 40 Death: between 1852 and 1875 |
herself |
Vittoria Fenaroli Birth: 1795 26 30 Death: April 8, 1831 |
16 years younger sister |
Caterina Fenaroli Birth: between 1800 and 1810 31 35 Death: between 1829 and 1905 |
3 years younger brother |
Giacinto Fenaroli Birth: 1802 33 37 Death: 1868 |
4 years younger brother |
Benedetto Fenaroli Birth: 1805 36 40 Death: 1856 |
6 years younger brother |
Pietro Fenaroli Birth: 1810 41 45 Death: 1858 |
Family with “Lodovico” Galeazzo Ducco |
husband |
“Lodovico” Galeazzo Ducco Birth: November 11, 1782 49 32 — Brescia Death: August 1855 — prima del 29 agosto |
herself |
Vittoria Fenaroli Birth: 1795 26 30 Death: April 8, 1831 |
Marriage: about 1829 — |
2 years son |
[senza nome] Ducco Birth: April 8, 1831 48 36 Death: April 8, 1831 |
“Lodovico” Galeazzo Ducco + Luisa Fè |
husband |
“Lodovico” Galeazzo Ducco Birth: November 11, 1782 49 32 — Brescia Death: August 1855 — prima del 29 agosto |
husband’s wife |
Luisa Fè Birth: 1812 82 Death: June 5, 1858 |
Marriage: 1834 — |
15 months step-son |
Carlo Ducco Birth: March 21, 1835 52 23 — Brescia Death: August 30, 1900 — Camignone (BS) |
18 months step-son |
Paolo Ducco Birth: September 12, 1836 53 24 Death: April 17, 1909 |
16 months step-daughter |
Teresa Ducco Birth: 1837 54 25 Death: June 2, 1911 |
21 months step-son |
?? Ducco Birth: October 15, 1838 55 26 Death: between 1838 and 1935 |
1 year step-son |
Cesare Ducco Birth: October 7, 1839 56 27 — Brescia Death: December 24, 1891 |
22 months step-daughter |
Maria Ducco Birth: July 27, 1841 58 29 Death: October 9, 1914 |
5 months step-daughter |
Marta Ducco Birth: 1841 58 29 Death: February 17, 1846 |
20 months step-son |
Giovanni Ducco Birth: August 19, 1842 59 30 Death: July 25, 1903 |
11 months step-son |
Luigi Ignazio Ducco Birth: July 28, 1843 60 31 Death: December 8, 1923 — Camignone |
17 months step-daughter |
Elena Ducco Birth: between 1843 and 1844 60 31 — (forse) Death: October 29, 1912 |
2 years step-daughter |
Martina Ducco Birth: 1844 61 32 Death: July 13, 1919 |
2 years step-son |
Antonio “Nicola” Ducco Birth: June 12, 1846 63 34 — (o 1845?) Death: November 23, 1893 |
3 years step-daughter |
Paola Ducco Birth: 1848 65 36 Death: April 6, 1850 — Ome (o nel 1854??) |
4 years step-daughter |
Lavinia Ducco Birth: May 26, 1852 69 40 Death: June 17, 1907 |