Orazio StellaAge: 20 years1440–1460
- Name
- Orazio Stella
Birth | between 1440 and 1655 20 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Faustino Stella between 1450 and 1620 |
Death of a father | Bernardino Stella between 1440 and 1670 |
Death | between 1460 and 1750 (Age 20 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Bernardino Stella Birth: between 1420 and 1575 50 Death: between 1440 and 1670 |
himself |
Orazio Stella Birth: between 1440 and 1655 20 Death: between 1460 and 1750 |
Orazio Stella + … … |
himself |
Orazio Stella Birth: between 1440 and 1655 20 Death: between 1460 and 1750 |
son |
Fausto Stella Death: |