Francesco MassimoAge: 77 years1865–1943
- Name
- Francesco Massimo
Birth | September 17, 1865 28 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Camillo “Vittorio” Emanuele Massimo 1873 (Age 7 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | “Leone” Enrico Giuseppe Siegfried Lelio Massimo January 25, 1896 (Age 30 years) |
Death of a father | Carlo Alberto Massimo January 21, 1921 (Age 55 years) |
Death | January 16, 1943 (Age 77 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Carlo Alberto Massimo Birth: December 3, 1836 33 25 — Roma Death: January 21, 1921 — Roma |
mother |
Francesca Lucchesi Palli Death: |
himself |
Francesco Massimo Birth: September 17, 1865 28 — Roma Death: January 16, 1943 — Castello di Arsoli |
Family with Eleonora Brancaccio |
himself |
Francesco Massimo Birth: September 17, 1865 28 — Roma Death: January 16, 1943 — Castello di Arsoli |
wife |
Eleonora Brancaccio Death: |
son |
“Leone” Enrico Giuseppe Siegfried Lelio Massimo Birth: January 25, 1896 30 — Roma Death: May 4, 1979 — Roma |