Ponce de TravesAge: 71 years10851156

Ponce de Traves
Birth between 1085 and 1125 20 45

Birth of a son
Gerard de Mâcon
between 1100 and 1140 (Age 15 years)

Death of a husband“Guillaume” III de Mâcon
September 27, 1155 (Age 70 years)

Death of a sonGerard de Mâcon
September 15, 1184 (Age 99 years)

Death of a fatherThibaut de Traves
between October 28, 1157 and 1200 (Age 72 years)

Death of a motherAlix ??
between 1085 and 1205

Death between 1156 and 1220 (Age 71 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Family with “Guillaume” III de Mâcon - View this family


http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/BURGUNDY%20Kingdom.htm PONCE de Trave s (-15 Apr after 1156). Her parentage is confirmed by the charter date d 28 Oct 1157 under which [her sons] “comes Stephanus... et fratre m meum comitem Gerardum” settled disputes with Charlieu abbey, wit h the consent of “matris nostræ... comitis Willelmi patris nostri e t avi nostri domini Theobaldi de Treva” [1]. The Chronicle of Alberi c de Trois-Fontaines names "Aleyde comitissa qui fuit unica heres de T reva, relicta Theobaldi de Rogemont" as wife of "comitem Guilelmum" [2 ]. Bouchard points out that Thibaut de Rougemont was still alive whe n Comte Guillaume is alleged to have married Ponce de Traves and sugge sts that the chronicle confused her with her mother [3]. It is more li kely that Alberic confused Ponce with her sister Alix. "Willelmus Mast iconensis comes et Burgundie" donated "abbatiam de Balma" to Cluny b y charter dated 14 Jun 1147, confirmed by "Poncia comitissa uxore me a et filiis meis Stephano et Gerardo" [4]. The necrology of La Charit