Ermengardis CarolingiAge: 43 years9701013

Ermengardis Carolingi
Carolingi (della Lotaringia inferiore)
Birth between 970 and 975 17 20

Marriage of parentsCarlo CarolingiAdelais de TroyesView this family
about 970

Birth of a sisterGerberga Carolingi
about 975 (Age 5 years)

Death of a paternal grandmotherGerberga Liudolfing
May 5, 984 (Age 14 years)
Marriage“Albert” I de NamurView this family
about 990 (Age 20 years)

Birth of a daughter
Liutgarde de Namur
between 990 and 1010 (Age 20 years)

Birth of a daughter
Hadwide de Namur
between 1005 and 1010 (Age 35 years)

Death of a husband“Albert” I de Namur
about 1010 (Age 40 years)

Death of a maternal grandfatherRobert de Vermandois
between 966 and 1030

Death of a maternal grandmotherAdelais di Borgogna
between 967 and 1030

Death of a fatherCarlo Carolingi
June 12, 991 (Age 21 years)
Death of a motherAdelais de Troyes
between 991 and 1050 (Age 21 years)

Death of a daughterLiutgarde de Namur
between 1005 and 1105 (Age 35 years)

Death between 1013 and 1070 (Age 43 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: about 970
6 years
6 years
Family with “Albert” I de Namur - View this family
Marriage: about 990
21 years
21 years

Note ERMENGARDE, daughter of CHA RLES Duke of Lower Lotharingia [Carolingian] & wife Adelais de Troye s ([970/75]-after 1013). The ''Genealogica comitum Buloniensium'' reco rds that "Karolus dux" was father of "Ermengardem et Gerbergam" [1]. T he ''Gesta Abbatem Trudonensium'', on the other hand, names "Hermegard am Namursi cometissam" as only daughter of "Ottoni duci Lotharingiæ" , son of Duke Charles [2]. This appears chronologically difficult to s ustain, assuming that Ermengarde was the mother of Albert's children a s shown below. It would also mean that her daughter Liutgarde could no t have been the mother of Baldric [II] Bishop of Liège, already tigh t chronologically if Ermengarde married in 990. The ''Fundatio Ecclesi æ S Albani Namucensis'' is less specific on Ermengarde's origin whe n it names her son "comes Albertus secundus, ortus ex patre Lothariens i" and refers to his mother as "matre vero Francigena Ermengarde, nobi lissimam Francorum regum prosapiam trahente" [3]. The date of her marr iage is suggested by the fact that Richer does not name her among th e children who were imprisoned with her father in 991: "Karolum… cu m uxore Adelaide et filio Ludovico, et filiabus duabus, quarum alter a Gerberga, altera Adelaidis dicebatur, necnon et Arnulfo nepote" [4] . This presumably indicates that her marriage predated this imprisonme nt. It has been suggested that Ermengarde was Albert [I]'s second wife , considering the likely difference in their ages [5]. If this is corr ect, it is unlikely that there were any surviving children from his ea rlier marriage as Albert's successor (presumably his eldest survivin g son) was the son of his surviving wife, presumably Ermengarde, as sh own by the Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium which records that "Rotberd o Namurcensi comite" betrayed Lambert Comte de Louvain after the battl e of Hougaerde (dated to 1013) and that Lambert, captured by "Herimann um… comitem", was released after the intervention of "Rotbodi… com itis mater" [6]. [1] ''Genealogica comitum Buloniensium'' MGH SS IX , p. 300. [2] ''Gestorum Abbatem Trudonensium Continuatio Tertia'' 10 05, MGH SS X, p. 382. [3] ''Fundatio Ecclesiæ S. Albani Namucensis'' , MGH SS XV.2, p. 962. [4] Richeri ''Historiæ'' IV 49, MGH SS III, p . 642. [5] Namur, p. xlvi. [6] ''Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium'' I II 5, MGH SS VII, p. 468. A.htm ERMENGARDE ([970/75]-after 1013). The ''Genealogica comitum Bul oniensium'' records that "Karolus dux" was father of "Ermengardem et G erbergam" [1]. The ''Gesta Abbatem Trudonensium'', on the other hand , names "Hermegardam Namursi cometissam" as only daughter of "Ottoni d uci Lotharingiæ", son of Duke Charles [2]. The latter appears chronol ogically impossible in light of the sources discussed in the documen t NAMUR which attest Ermengarde as the mother of at least three of he r husband's children. The ''Fundatio Ecclesiæ S Albani Namucensis'' i s less specific on Ermengarde's origin when it names her son "comes Al bertus secundus, ortus ex patre Lothariensi" referring to his mother a s "matre vero Francigena Ermengarde, nobilissimam Francorum regum pros apiam trahente" [3]. The birth date range of Ermengarde is estimated o n the basis of her having been the mother of all Comte Albert's record ed children. Her marriage date is suggested by Richer, who does not na me her among the children of her father when the family was imprisone d in 991: "Karolum… cum uxore Adelaide et filio Ludovico, et filiabu s duabus, quarum altera Gerberga, altera Adelaidis dicebatur, necnon e t Arnulfo nepote" [4]. This presumably indicates that her marriage pre dated this imprisonment. It has been suggested that Ermengarde was Alb ert [I]'s second wife, considering the likely difference in their age s [5]. If this is correct, it is unlikely that there were any survivin g children from his earlier marriage as Albert's successor (presumabl y his eldest son) was the son of his surviving wife, presumably Ermeng arde, as shown by the Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium which records th at "Rotberdo Namurcensi comite" betrayed Lambert Comte de Louvain afte r the battle of Hougaerde (dated to 1013) and that Lambert, captured b y "Herimannum…comitem", was released after the intervention of "Rotb odi… comitis mater" [6]. [1] ''Genealogica comitum Buloniensium'' M GH SS IX, p. 300. [2] ''Gestorum Abbatem Trudonensium Continuatio Ter tia'' 1005, MGH SS X, p. 382. [3] ''Fundatio Ecclesiæ S. Albani Namu censis'', MGH SS XV.2, p. 962. [4] Richeri ''Historiæ'' IV 49, MGH S S III, p. 642. [5] Rousseau, F. (ed.) (1936) ''Actes des Comtes de Na mur de la Première Race 946-1196'' (Brussels) ("Namur"), p. xlvi. [6 ] ''Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium'' III 5, MGH SS VII, p. 468.