“Albert” I de NamurAge: 70 years9401010

“Albert” I de Namur
Birth between 940 and 970 20

Death of a fatherRobert de Namur
between 974 and 981 (Age 34 years)

MarriageErmengardis CarolingiView this family
about 990 (Age 50 years)

Birth of a daughter
Liutgarde de Namur
between 990 and 1010 (Age 50 years)

Birth of a daughter
Hadwide de Namur
between 1005 and 1010 (Age 65 years)

Death of a daughterLiutgarde de Namur
between 1005 and 1105 (Age 65 years)

Death about 1010 (Age 70 years)

Comte, de Namur

Family with parents - View this family
Family with Ermengardis Carolingi - View this family
Marriage: about 990
21 years
21 years


http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NAMUR.htm ALBERT, son of ROBERT [I] C omte de Namur & his wife --- (-shortly before 1011). Albert, Gisleber t and Ratbod are named as sons of Comte Robert in a charter dated 98 1 [1]. He succeeded as ALBERT I Comte de Namur. "Otto… rex" confirme d the privileges of Brogne abbey "in pago Lomacensis situm" by charte r dated 992 which names "comiti… Namuci Adelberto" [2]. His date o f death is suggested by a record, dated to 1011, of a monk from St Vaa st d'Arras dreaming of hell where he recognised "Albertum Namucensiu m comitatui" being tortured, the episode being incorporated into a cir cular letter from Richard Bishop of Verdun to all abbeys [3]. [1] Pir enne, H. (ed.) (1909) ''Album belge de diplomatique'' (Brussels), plan che IV, cited in Namur, p. xxxv. [2] D O III 92, p. 502. [3] Namur , p. xli, which quotes the text, citing MGH SS X, p. 382, in which th e passage does not appear.