Caterina ChizzolaAge: 15871587

Caterina Chizzola
Birth August 1587 47 52

Baptism August 27, 1587
Death of a sisterFulvia Aurelia Chizzola
between 1567 and 1660

Death of a paternal grandfatherApollonio Chizzola
between 1571 and 1610

Death of a fatherGiovanni Antonio Chizzola
between 1570 and 1635

Death of a sisterTeodora Camilla Chizzola
between 1575 and 1670

Death of a sisterPaola Francesca Chizzola
between 1576 and 1670

Death of a motherCamilla Fenaroli
between 1587 and 1645 (on the date of death)

Death between 1587 and 1680

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 26, 1566
20 months
elder sister
8 years
elder sister
13 months
elder sister
11 years