Eadgifu of WessexAge: 49 years902951

Eadgifu of Wessex
of Wessex (d'Inghilterra)
Birth about 902 28 24
Birth of a sisterEadgyth of Wessex
between 895 and 915

Death of a paternal grandmotherEthelswitha ??
905 (Age 3 years)

MarriageCarlo “III ”il Semplice“” CarolingiView this family
February 10, 919 (Age 17 years)
Marriage of a parentEdward “the Elder” of WessexEadgifu del KentView this family
about 919 (Age 17 years)

Birth of a son
Ludovico “IV ”d'Outre Mer“” Carolingi
September 10, 920 (Age 18 years)
Death of a motherAelfflaed of Wessex
920 (Age 18 years)

Birth of a half-brotherEdmund of Wessex
921 (Age 19 years)

Death of a fatherEdward “the Elder” of Wessex
July 17, 924 (Age 22 years)
Death of a brotherÆlfweard of Wessex
August 924 (Age 22 years)

Death of a husbandCarlo “III ”il Semplice“” Carolingi
October 7, 929 (Age 27 years)
Marriage of a childLudovico “IV ”d'Outre Mer“” CarolingiGerberga LiudolfingView this family
939 (Age 37 years)

Death of a half-brotherEdmund of Wessex
May 26, 946 (Age 44 years)
Marriage“Heribert” III de Meaux e TroyesView this family
951 (on the date of death)
Death of a sonLudovico “IV ”d'Outre Mer“” Carolingi
September 10, 954 (Age 52 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherAethelglyth of Mercia
between 878 and 955

Death of a sisterEadgyth of Wessex
between 930 and 1010 (Age 28 years)

Death between 951 and 955 (Age 49 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 899
8 years
Father’s family with Ecgwynn ?? - View this family
Marriage: about 893
Father’s family with Eadgifu del Kent - View this family
Marriage: about 919
3 years
Family with Carlo “III ”il Semplice“” Carolingi - View this family
Marriage: February 10, 919(o 918?)
19 months
Family with “Heribert” III de Meaux e Troyes - View this family
Marriage: 951St.Quentin (Francia)
Carlo “III ”il Semplice“” Carolingi + Frederuna von Ringelheim - View this family
husband’s wife


'''Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.''' Eadgifu (o Edgiva, fr: Edw ige) (Wessex, 902 – dopo il 955) era figlia di Edoardo il Vecchio, r e del Wessex e d'Inghilterra, e della sua seconda moglie Aelfflaed. F u la seconda moglie di Carlo il Semplice, re dei Franchi, che sposò i l 10 febbraio 919 dopo la morte della sua prima moglie, Frederonne; f u madre del futuro re Luigi IV di Francia. Nel 922 Carlo il Semplic e fu deposto, e l'anno successivo fu preso prigioniero dal conte Erber to II di Vermandois. Preoccupata per la sorte di suo figlio, Eadgifu r iparò con lui in Inghilterra, presso la corte del suo fratellastro At elstano. A seguito di questa vicenda, Luigi IV di Francia fu soprannom inato Luigi d'Oltremare. Quando Luigi, nel 936, fu richiamato in Franc ia per esserne incoronato re, Eadgifu lo seguì, e successivamente s i ritirò in convento a Laon fino al 951, anno in cui si risposò, iro nia della sorte, con Erberto III d'Omois, figlio del conte Erberto I I di Vermandois, l'antico nemico del primo marito. '''Bibliografia'' ' Lappenberg Johann. ''A History of England Under the Anglo-Saxon Kin gs''. Ed. J. Murray, 1845 Williams Ann, Alfred P. Smyth, D. P. Kirby . ''A Biographical Dictionary of Dark Age Britain: England, Scotland , and Wales''. Ed. Routledge, 1991. ISBN 1-85264-047-2 http://fmg.ac /Projects/MedLands/ENGLAND,%20AngloSaxon%20&%20Danish%20Kings.htm EAD GIFU ([902/05]-26 Sep after 951, bur Abbaye de Saint-Médard de Soisso ns). William of Malmesbury names (in order) "Edfleda, Edgiva, Ethelhil da, Ethilda, Edgitha, Elfgiva" as the six daughters of King Eadwear d & his wife "Elfleda", specifying that Edgiva married "king Charles " [1]. The Book of Hyde names "Edgivam" as second of the six daughter s of King Eadweard by his first wife "Elfelmi comitis filia Elfleda" , specifying that she married "Karolo regi Francorum filio Lodowyci" [ 2]. Her birth date range is estimated from the birth of Eadgifu's so n in [920/21]. If this is correct, Eadgifu must have been one of Kin g Edward's oldest children by his second marriage. She fled with her t wo-year-old son to England in 923 after her first husband was deposed . She returned to France in 936. Abbess of Notre Dame de Laon, resigne d 951. Flodoard names "Ottogeba regina, mater Ludowici regis" when rec ording her second marriage [3]. [1] William of Malmesbury 126, p. 110 . [2] ''Liber Monasterii de Hyda'' XIV.4, p. 112. [3] Flodoard 951 , MGH SS III, p. 401.