Giuseppe Acciaioli de VasconcellosAge: 0 days1602–1602
- Name
- Giuseppe Acciaioli de Vasconcellos
Birth | between 1602 and 1630 38 21 |
Birth of a brother | Ignazio Acciaioli de Vasconcellos between 1602 and 1630 (on the date of death) |
Birth of a brother | Rocco Acciaioli de Vasconcellos August 21, 1618 |
Death of a brother | Raffaele Acciaioli de Vasconcellos between 1601 and 1699 |
Death of a brother | Ignazio Acciaioli de Vasconcellos between 1602 and 1640 (on the date of death) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Maria de Vasconcellos September 24, 1621 |
Death | between 1602 and 1640 |
Family with parents |
father |
Simone Acciaioli de Vasconcellos Birth: between 1564 and 1580 49 34 Death: May 17, 1644 — Funchal |
mother |
Izabel de Vasconcellos Birth: March 1580 Death: January 27, 1657 |
Marriage: April 10, 1600 — |
31 years brother |
Raffaele Acciaioli de Vasconcellos Birth: between 1601 and 1630 37 20 Death: between 1601 and 1699 — Brasile |
20 years sister |
Agnese de Vasconcellos Birth: between 1601 and 1620 37 20 Death: May 26, 1670 — Funchal |
30 years sister |
Vincenza de Vasconcellos Birth: between 1601 and 1630 37 20 Death: between 1620 and 1725 |
30 years sister |
Brigida de Vasconcellos Birth: between 1601 and 1630 37 20 Death: between 1620 and 1725 |
30 years sister |
Francesca de Vasconcellos Birth: between 1601 and 1630 37 20 Death: between 1620 and 1725 |
30 years sister |
Crispina de Vasconcellos Birth: between 1601 and 1630 37 20 Death: between 1620 and 1725 |
30 years sister |
Maria de Vasconcellos Birth: between 1601 and 1630 37 20 Death: between 1620 and 1725 |
30 years twin brother |
Ignazio Acciaioli de Vasconcellos Birth: between 1602 and 1630 38 21 Death: between 1602 and 1640 — fanciullo |
29 years himself |
Giuseppe Acciaioli de Vasconcellos Birth: between 1602 and 1630 38 21 Death: between 1602 and 1640 |
17 years brother |
Rocco Acciaioli de Vasconcellos Birth: August 21, 1618 54 38 — Funchal Death: December 3, 1694 — Funchal |