Margherita AcciaioliAge: 35 years1664–1699
- Name
- Margherita Acciaioli
Birth | between 1664 and 1685 64 44 |
Marriage | Francesco Carlini — View this family 1699 (on the date of death) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Costanza Fioravanti between 1630 and 1700 |
Birth of a sister | Maria Francesca Acciaioli between 1664 and 1700 |
Marriage of parents | Zanobi Acciaioli — Virginia Rimbotti — View this family 1664 |
Birth of a brother | Mario Domenico Acciaioli July 8, 1666 |
Birth of a brother | Alessandro Acciaioli 1671 |
Death of a husband | Francesco Carlini between 1699 and 1775 (on the date of death) |
Death of a sister | Maria Francesca Acciaioli between 1685 and 1795 (Age 21 years) |
Death of a brother | Alessandro Acciaioli April 11, 1700 (Age 36 years) |
Death of a brother | Mario Domenico Acciaioli February 13, 1719 (Age 55 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Rimbotto Rimbotti between 1620 and 1725 |
Death of a father | Zanobi Acciaioli between 1666 and 1740 (Age 2 years) |
Death of a mother | Virginia Rimbotti between 1671 and 1745 (Age 7 years) |
Death | between 1699 and 1780 (Age 35 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Zanobi Acciaioli Birth: between 1600 and 1645 16 20 Death: between 1666 and 1740 |
mother |
Virginia Rimbotti Birth: between 1620 and 1650 80 Death: between 1671 and 1745 |
Marriage: 1664 — |
22 years herself |
Margherita Acciaioli Birth: between 1664 and 1685 64 44 Death: between 1699 and 1780 |
37 years sister |
Maria Francesca Acciaioli Birth: between 1664 and 1700 64 44 Death: between 1685 and 1795 |
3 years brother |
Mario Domenico Acciaioli Birth: July 8, 1666 66 46 — Firenze Death: February 13, 1719 — Firenze |
6 years brother |
Alessandro Acciaioli Birth: 1671 71 51 Death: April 11, 1700 — Firenze |
Family with Francesco Carlini |
husband |
Francesco Carlini Birth: between 1620 and 1680 Death: between 1699 and 1775 |
herself |
Margherita Acciaioli Birth: between 1664 and 1685 64 44 Death: between 1699 and 1780 |
Marriage: 1699 — |