Carlo Barbiano di BelgiojosoAge: 65 years1815–1881
- Name
- Carlo Barbiano di Belgiojoso
Birth | August 17, 1815 28 18 |
Birth of a brother | Giorgio Barbiano di Belgiojoso September 7, 1816 (Age 12 months) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Daria Oppizzoni November 10, 1820 (Age 5 years) |
Birth of a brother | Paolo Barbiano di Belgiojoso July 2, 1824 (Age 8 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | “Francesco” III Barbiano di Belgiojoso February 15, 1829 (Age 13 years) |
Birth of a brother | Emilio Barbiano di Belgiojoso April 12, 1836 (Age 20 years) |
Death of a father | “Antonio” I Barbiano di Belgiojoso April 7, 1854 (Age 38 years) |
Title | Senatore, del Regno from 1875 (Age 59 years) |
Death of a mother | Teresa Pallavicino Trivulzio December 24, 1879 (Age 64 years) |
Death | June 22, 1881 (Age 65 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
“Antonio” I Barbiano di Belgiojoso Birth: May 8, 1787 38 25 Death: April 7, 1854 |
mother |
Teresa Pallavicino Trivulzio Birth: January 2, 1797 Death: December 24, 1879 |
Marriage: August 27, 1814 — |
1 year himself |
Carlo Barbiano di Belgiojoso Birth: August 17, 1815 28 18 Death: June 22, 1881 |
13 months younger brother |
Giorgio Barbiano di Belgiojoso Birth: September 7, 1816 29 19 Death: February 3, 1888 |
8 years younger brother |
Paolo Barbiano di Belgiojoso Birth: July 2, 1824 37 27 — (o 12 luglio?) Death: October 21, 1887 |
12 years younger brother |
Emilio Barbiano di Belgiojoso Birth: April 12, 1836 48 39 — Milano Death: July 14, 1904 — Milano |
Father’s family with Maria Casati |
father |
“Antonio” I Barbiano di Belgiojoso Birth: May 8, 1787 38 25 Death: April 7, 1854 |
step-mother |
Maria Casati Birth: September 1, 1796 40 — Brugarolo Death: February 11, 1814 — Milano |
Marriage: July 29, 1812 — |
18 months half-brother |
“Francesco” IV Barbiano di Belgiojoso Birth: February 1, 1814 26 17 — (o 1813?) Death: March 28, 1888 — (o 3 novembre 1882?) |
Note | Presidente dell'Accademia di Brera. Romanziere di qualche pregio, ded icatosi alla pittura storica seguendo la scuola dell’Hayez. |