Teresa Trotti BentivoglioAge: 41 years1790–1831
- Name
- Teresa Trotti Bentivoglio
Birth | between 1790 and 1795 31 19 |
Birth of a sister | Costanza Trotti Bentivoglio June 21, 1800 (Age 10 years) |
Birth of a sister | Paola Trotti Bentivoglio March 1, 1801 (Age 11 years) |
Marriage | “Antonio” Giacomo Luigi Greppi — View this family October 12, 1812 (Age 22 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Antonietta Greppi November 14, 1817 (Age 27 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Paolo Greppi December 18, 1829 (Age 39 years) |
Death of a son | Paolo Greppi May 31, 1831 (Age 41 years) |
Death of a sister | Paola Trotti Bentivoglio June 2, 1831 (Age 41 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Paolo Greppi July 9, 1831 (Age 41 years) |
Marriage of a child | Diofebo Meli Lupi — Antonietta Greppi — View this family April 5, 1834 (Age 44 years) |
Death of a mother | Antonietta Schaffgotsch 1837 (Age 47 years) |
Death of a father | Lorenzo Trotti Bentivoglio 1840 (Age 50 years) |
Death of a sister | Costanza Trotti Bentivoglio May 18, 1871 (Age 81 years) |
Death of a husband | “Antonio” Giacomo Luigi Greppi May 1, 1878 (Age 88 years) |
Death | between 1831 and 1890 (Age 41 years) |
Title | Donna yes |
Title | Nobile dei Marchesi, di Fresonara yes |
Family with parents |
father |
Lorenzo Trotti Bentivoglio Birth: 1759 Death: 1840 |
mother |
Antonietta Schaffgotsch Birth: between 1771 and 1772 Death: 1837 |
herself |
Teresa Trotti Bentivoglio Birth: between 1790 and 1795 31 19 — Penzing (presso Vienna) Death: between 1831 and 1890 |
brother | |
brother | |
younger sister |
Costanza Trotti Bentivoglio Birth: June 21, 1800 41 29 — Vienna Death: May 18, 1871 — Vienna |
8 months younger sister |
Paola Trotti Bentivoglio Birth: March 1, 1801 42 30 — Vienna Death: June 2, 1831 — Milano, S. Giorgio |
sister |
Anna Trotti Bentivoglio Death: |
brother | |
sister | |
sister | |
sister |
Maria Trotti Bentivoglio Death: |
sister |
Family with “Antonio” Giacomo Luigi Greppi |
husband |
“Antonio” Giacomo Luigi Greppi Birth: April 1, 1790 44 25 — Milano, S. Nazaro Death: May 1, 1878 — Milano |
herself |
Teresa Trotti Bentivoglio Birth: between 1790 and 1795 31 19 — Penzing (presso Vienna) Death: between 1831 and 1890 |
Marriage: October 12, 1812 — Milano, S. Tomaso in Terra Mara |
daughter |
Laura Greppi Death: |
son |
Marco Greppi Death: |
daughter |
Costanza Greppi Death: |
son |
Carlo Greppi Death: |
daughter |
Antonietta Greppi Birth: November 14, 1817 27 27 — Milano Death: August 15, 1893 — Parma |
son |
Giuseppe Greppi Death: |
daughter |
Luigia Greppi Death: |
son |
Leopoldo Greppi Death: |
son |
Alessandro Greppi Death: |
son |
Paolo Greppi Birth: December 18, 1829 39 39 Death: May 31, 1831 — Milano, S. Nazaro |
19 months son |
Paolo Greppi Birth: July 9, 1831 41 41 Death: November 12, 1896 — Carzaniga (di Pagnano) |
son |
Lorenzo Greppi Death: |
son |
Gabriele Greppi Death: |