Antonio GreppiAge: 76 years1831–1907
- Name
- Antonio Greppi
Birth | May 7, 1831 30 30 |
Death of a mother | Paola Trotti Bentivoglio June 2, 1831 (Age 26 days) |
Marriage of a parent | Giuseppe Greppi — Luigia Durini — View this family April 24, 1832 (Age 11 months) |
Birth of a half-brother | Luigi Greppi February 15, 1833 (Age 21 months) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Margherita Oppizzoni December 26, 1834 (Age 3 years) |
Birth of a half-sister | Paolina Greppi October 14, 1837 (Age 6 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Antonietta Schaffgotsch 1837 (Age 5 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Lorenzo Trotti Bentivoglio 1840 (Age 8 years) |
Marriage | Giulia Bassi — View this family January 3, 1857 (Age 25 years) |
Death of a wife | Giulia Bassi between 1857 and 1935 (Age 25 years) |
Death of a father | Giuseppe Greppi June 12, 1857 (Age 26 years) |
Death | June 24, 1907 (Age 76 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Giuseppe Greppi Birth: June 6, 1800 54 35 — Milano, S. Nazaro Death: June 12, 1857 — Milano, San Giorgio |
mother |
Paola Trotti Bentivoglio Birth: March 1, 1801 42 30 — Vienna Death: June 2, 1831 — Milano, S. Giorgio |
Marriage: June 13, 1820 — Milano, San Tomaso |
11 years himself |
Antonio Greppi Birth: May 7, 1831 30 30 Death: June 24, 1907 |
Father’s family with Luigia Durini |
father |
Giuseppe Greppi Birth: June 6, 1800 54 35 — Milano, S. Nazaro Death: June 12, 1857 — Milano, San Giorgio |
step-mother |
Luigia Durini Birth: June 12, 1810 — Milano, S. Eufemia Death: June 14, 1872 — Milano, Via S. Maurilio 19 - S. Giorgio |
Marriage: April 24, 1832 — Milano, San Babila |
10 months half-brother |
Luigi Greppi Birth: February 15, 1833 32 22 Death: February 15, 1910 — Milano, S. Marco |
5 years half-sister |
Paolina Greppi Birth: October 14, 1837 37 27 — Milano, S. Giorgio Death: July 22, 1915 — Milano, S. Maria del Carmine |
Family with Giulia Bassi |
himself |
Antonio Greppi Birth: May 7, 1831 30 30 Death: June 24, 1907 |
wife |
Giulia Bassi Birth: July 20, 1838 30 48 Death: between 1857 and 1935 |
Marriage: January 3, 1857 — |