“Ignazio” Giuseppe Goltara Pezzoli d'AlbertoneAge: 36 years1857–1894
- Name
- “Ignazio” Giuseppe Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone
Birth | July 28, 1857 34 31 |
Birth of a sister | Carolina Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone July 29, 1857 (Age 1 day) |
Birth of a brother | Corrado Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone between 1858 and 1880 (Age 5 months) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Carolina Zaverio between 1823 and 1895 |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Giacoma “Giovanna” Moretti between 1825 and 1890 |
Occupation | Capitano degli Alpini. yes |
Death | 1894 (Age 36 years) |
Title | Nobile yes |
Family with parents |
father |
Gaetano Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone Birth: March 5, 1823 47 48 — Mantova Death: 1899 |
mother |
“Laura” Teresa Giuseppa Maria Lupi Birth: December 2, 1825 63 50 — Bergamo, Pignolo Death: December 28, 1895 — Bergamo, Pignolo, S. Alessandro della Croce |
Marriage: May 8, 1848 — Bergamo, Pignolo, S. Alessandro della Croce |
6 years elder brother |
Giuseppe Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone Birth: between 1849 and 1853 25 23 Death: July 14, 1911 |
6 years elder brother |
Luigi Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone Birth: 1854 30 28 Death: March 4, 1916 |
4 years himself |
“Ignazio” Giuseppe Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone Birth: July 28, 1857 34 31 Death: 1894 |
twin sister |
Carolina Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone Birth: July 29, 1857 34 31 — Bergamo Death: October 15, 1927 — Sombreno di Paladina (Bg) |
23 years younger brother |
Corrado Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone Birth: between 1858 and 1880 34 32 Death: between 1909 and 1975 |
Note | Celibe. |