Luigi Goltara Pezzoli d'AlbertoneAge: 62 years1854–1916
- Name
- Luigi Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone
Birth | 1854 30 28 |
Birth of a brother | “Ignazio” Giuseppe Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone July 28, 1857 (Age 3 years) |
Birth of a sister | Carolina Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone July 29, 1857 (Age 3 years) |
Birth of a brother | Corrado Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone between 1858 and 1880 (Age 4 years) |
Marriage | Ippolita Brevi — View this family November 1881 (Age 27 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Ippolita Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone August 23, 1886 (Age 32 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Vittorio Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone estimated 1887 (Age 33 years) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Beatrice Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone August 27, 1888 (Age 34 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Giacoma “Giovanna” Moretti between 1825 and 1890 |
Death of a wife | Ippolita Brevi between 1888 and 1906 (Age 34 years) |
Death of a brother | “Ignazio” Giuseppe Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone 1894 (Age 40 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Carolina Zaverio between 1823 and 1895 |
Death of a mother | “Laura” Teresa Giuseppa Maria Lupi December 28, 1895 (Age 41 years) |
Death of a father | Gaetano Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone 1899 (Age 45 years) |
Death of a wife | Ernesta Brevi July 29, 1908 (Age 54 years) |
Death of a brother | Giuseppe Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone July 14, 1911 (Age 57 years) |
Death of a brother | Corrado Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone between 1909 and 1975 (Age 55 years) |
Occupation | Ingegnere idraulico e ferroviario yes |
Death | March 4, 1916 (Age 62 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Gaetano Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone Birth: March 5, 1823 47 48 — Mantova Death: 1899 |
mother |
“Laura” Teresa Giuseppa Maria Lupi Birth: December 2, 1825 63 50 — Bergamo, Pignolo Death: December 28, 1895 — Bergamo, Pignolo, S. Alessandro della Croce |
Marriage: May 8, 1848 — Bergamo, Pignolo, S. Alessandro della Croce |
6 years elder brother |
Giuseppe Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone Birth: between 1849 and 1853 25 23 Death: July 14, 1911 |
6 years himself |
Luigi Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone Birth: 1854 30 28 Death: March 4, 1916 |
4 years younger brother |
“Ignazio” Giuseppe Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone Birth: July 28, 1857 34 31 Death: 1894 |
younger sister |
Carolina Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone Birth: July 29, 1857 34 31 — Bergamo Death: October 15, 1927 — Sombreno di Paladina (Bg) |
23 years younger brother |
Corrado Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone Birth: between 1858 and 1880 34 32 Death: between 1909 and 1975 |
Family with Ippolita Brevi |
himself |
Luigi Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone Birth: 1854 30 28 Death: March 4, 1916 |
wife |
Ippolita Brevi Birth: between 1840 and 1865 Death: between 1888 and 1906 |
Marriage: November 1881 — |
5 years daughter |
Ippolita Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone Birth: August 23, 1886 32 46 — Bergamo Death: August 9, 1945 — Ranica (Bg) |
16 months son |
Vittorio Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone Birth: estimated 1887 33 47 Death: between 1935 and 1980 |
20 months daughter |
Beatrice Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone Birth: August 27, 1888 34 48 Death: September 27, 1968 |
Family with Ernesta Brevi |
himself |
Luigi Goltara Pezzoli d'Albertone Birth: 1854 30 28 Death: March 4, 1916 |
wife |
Ernesta Brevi Birth: between 1860 and 1875 Death: July 29, 1908 — dopo lunga malattia |
Note | Vedi scheda http://localhost/wiki/index.php/Luigi_Goltara_Pezzoli_d%27 Albertone |